II. The Island

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The trip back home went by quickly. They all did for Raven. She was led down to the lower level where dragons would be transported, and once there, she would be drawn back out again.

The Viking led her down the docks as lunch was being prepared by the female Vikings. Raven could smell the delicious lamb, the perfectly-cooked chicken, and the savory fish as soon as she stepped off the boat, but if she valued her life in any way she never made a move towards the food.

She was locked in her cage neatly after that, the thick chain around her neck and the bars blocking her from the outside world told Raven her status as a slave without ever having to have a verbal reminder.

She let out a breath and relaxed on the cool rock. The cages where fighters were placed was build ages ago, underneath the main Viking settlement. From above, it looked like any other small island tribe. But every dragon on the island knew what was happening just below the surface.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur, although that was fine by the Night Fury. It was the nights that she favored the most. That was when Thorn came to visit her.

"Raven," she heard her name as a whisper, and brought her head up. "Raven," the familiar voice whispered again. The dark dragon is greeted by the sight of an older Deadly Nadder, who had carefully moved a loose bar and stepped through her cage.

He was one of he older dragons that lived there, although he was less experienced than the Night Fury in terms of battle. He was mainly chosen to do manual labor up on the surface. His scales, which used to be a bright blue, now looked bleak and hazy across his body. He also had three scratch marks across his right eye and a milky haze covered the eye itself, something he had earned long before he was ever brought to the dragon fighter's ranks.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, always concerned for her wellbeing.

Raven sighed lightly. "Not too many wounds. I think I'll be alright in a couple of days." Her voice was a bit coarser than most female dragons, and it sounded lower as well.

"I'm glad. Still, I wish you weren't chosen so often. It makes keeping an eye on you difficult," he said only semi-jokingly.

Raven sighed. "Thorn, I'm an adult now. I can take care of myself."

The Nadder shook his head and sat down beside her. "I know." She relaxed against his warm body, enjoying the feeling of another dragon by her side. She breathed deeply and rubbed her head against him affectionately.

"Thorn, how did you find me, again?" She asked, even though she had known this story since she could remember.

Thorn chuckled deep within his throat. "Raven, I tell you this story every night."

"And I still listen, even if it's the hundredth time," she replied. Thorn laughed and caved in.

"Alright, little one," he began, speaking to her like she was still a tiny hatchling. "There once was a young, brave Deadly Nadder explorer who had a loving family. He was content to live with his mate, Rose, and two daughters, but sadly that was not the case. Vikings soon raided their home, taking three Nadders' lives, but Thorn had managed to escape.

"Mourning the loss of his family, the dragon flew high up into the mountains, landing in a dark cave carved into the mountainside. Resting there for a few days, he began to hear the cry of a small dragon deeper in the cave. He went to investigate, and found a navy-scaled hatchling laying near a darker black shape. The Nadder had compassion on the dark dragon, and took her under his wing until he thought of her as his own child."

"But it was in vain," Raven said. "Vikings captured both of us soon after. They nearly turned me into a weapon."

"You didn't let them," Thorn noted. "Your spirit has not broken, even after years of fighting."

"That's mostly thanks to you." Raven moved her body closer to the older dragon. "You've kept me strong."

"And you've done the same for me." Thorn rested his head against the Night Fury's for a minute, then moved to get up. "I must leave now," he whispered to the scarred dragon. "Stay safe, Raven." He then exited the cage and moved the bar back into place.

Raven simply laid down against the rock and sighed deeply.

She was woken by the sound of clanging metal. She knew that sound well, for it meant another fight that day. She exhaled, bringing herself up to meet the eyes of the Viking that called himself her master. A hint of defiance flashed between her emerald eyes, before being replaced with silent obedience as she brought her head down.

He unhooked her chain from the wall and onto the thick one leading to the ships. Her wings were bound just as before, and she was given a muzzle so she couldn't make a move against her captors while in the wooden boat. She followed him almost silently, the occasional grunt from the block rubbing the raw area around her neck being the only sound she gave.

The Night Fury rested against the side of the ship as she was down in the hull, wondering what the waters on the other side looked like. Thorn had told her of the ocean, the vast blue waters deeper than the caves she was put in every night, but the fleeting glance she had while on the surface of the island was all she ever saw of the waters.

The trip had not lasted as long this time. Soon they were opening her cage as she obediently walked behind them, never letting her chain grow taunt or drag the ground. It was what she had learned was the best distance to both command respect from the other fighters and to follow her masters without them growing impatient.

Somehow, though, this match felt different. She could feel it in the tense air of the crowds above her, an unnerving uneasiness spreading through her insides as if this were her first battle. When her muzzle and collar were released, she shook off that feeling as she listened for the words that would determine the outcome of the match.

"Nightmare!" At the Viking's name for her, she burst out of her cage, eager to get this over with. Roaring to the sky and stretching her wings as far as her bindings would allow, the Night Fury did indeed look like her namesake.

Her furious gaze stopped as she stared at her opponent in disbelief.

Another Night Fury.

"Let's see if this newcomer can hold his ground in a battle to the death!"

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