Chapter 5 Past

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Moriko's P.O.V
It felt cold, but warm. My vision was blurred with the colour red. Red, red, RED. Splattered everywhere. It hurts. My head, it's throbbing, pounding. Blood, bright red blood, all over the room. Here, There, everywhere. I screamed, bloody murder.

I bolted up from my bed and curled into a tight ball, whispering. "It's not real, nothing is real..." My trembling figure was really visible in the dark night. The pink silky curtains, fluttered against the window. It was snowing, white. No, not white but red and dark. The sky was a sea of deep red and it was pouring down thick blood. A blood rain, I realised.

I gasped, my head pounded again like a heartbeat. "It's snowing red? H-how?!" My window was opened slightly and I could feel the coldness seeping into my pale skin. The moon shone, so brightly that I knew something terrible was coming or even someone. My eyes were so wide, I felt like they were going to burst apart any moment now. I lifted up my hands, they were shaking and trembling. I saw it again. Blood. Running down my finger tips and all over my palms.

"No, No!" I muttered under my breath. "Stop it!" I mouthed. The words wouldn't come out.

あなたは彼らを殺した, Anata wa karera o koroshita, You killed them. A voice spoke, soft but demonic. It kept repeating, again and again.

{~Listen to the music~}

I fell on my back and let my hair flame above my head. Clawing my fingers on the blankets I stared soundly up into the white ceiling. It was scary, I felt, alone. But my parents are down stairs, everything's all right. I think.

All of a sudden the windows shattered. A piercing scream came from downstairs. I bolted out the door and ran downstairs, holding up my night gown up. Light was coming out of the kitchen area. I peaked in. There was someone in front of my Dad. Who was he? Is he dangerous? Is he mean? Why is he here?

"Hand that girl over and your clan will be safe? Disobey and everyone will die." He whispered, smoothly. I shivered.

Suddenly warm arms, comforting arms, wrapped around me.

"Moriko!" my mother hugged me tightly, bending down, tears threatening to fall out of her sea blue, ocean eyes. "Go back upstairs, everything's going to be alright. Dad will make sure. Okay?"

Hugs. I liked hugs. It makes me feel safe. Me burying my head in her shoulder and holding onto her tightly. Fear of letting go.

I cocked my head to the side and nodded. 'If Mummy says everything's is going to be alright! Then I will listen to her.' I thought firmly.

Dad took one glance at me and clashed his sword with the man again. The man gave me a crooked grin and I darted upstairs not wanting to see anymore. Everything was all good. I believe in my mummy and daddy.

I flopped onto my bed, crawling under the covers and shut my eyes. Not before thinking what the man meant by, "Hand that girl over and your clan will be safe. Disobey and.."

I shook my head. Nothing will happen, I will wake up and everything will be fine. Absolutely fine.

What I didn't know was that man in that kitchen will change my future forever.


The warm morning sun light greeted me the next morning. I stretched and smiled. Memories of last night came back. I shuddered and the voice of a demon came back, haunting me.

In my world there's no such thing as reality. Madara Love Story...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang