Chapter 19 Apple

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Madara's P.O.V

That that THAT apple that made me fall into all this mess.

My blood red eyes glinted dangerously as I recalled what that stupid apple did.

But it was still Moriko who changed my life. How? I'm no longer as heartless as I used to be. I can still be cold.

I stared at the broken body of the maid before and made a shadow clone to go dispose of her.

I hate women who are weak.

I found out that Moriko wasn't weak, no matter how many times I tried to break her, she didn't want to break.

Then there was this goddamn nickname she wouldn't ever let to.

Stinky butt.

Why? Deep inside I didn't really mind it at all, kin of strange really, the name but I usually just ignore her.

She drives me insane, everything that I have locked away was slowly coming back just because of the apple she stole.

I blame it on the shopkeeper. She yelled out to loud. And plus I was there too, if I had listened to my brain and go to the weapon shop instead of the scroll shop, I wouldn't have had to encounter Moriko!

Whatever was nearest my right hand I grabbed, infusing my hand with chakra and I squeezed it. It was my lamp. The room was all dark. The gently rustle of the bushes and my quick panting was all I heard.

It was midnight.

One more day until Moriko would go insane.

And let go.

Moriko's P.O.V

Honestly, this is crazy!!!!! I haven't gone without food or water in ages yet I'm not hungry. It's like I was already dead.

I sighed in frustration, thinking what the hell Madara might be doing now. Helping me?

I rolled my eyes and placed my palms on top of each other, right on top of left.

Tora, mi, uma, tori, i. Five simple hand signs.

"Twisted Vine block!"

The exact one I used on Madara, which obviously failed because of his inhuman strength.

Anyway, I knew Tobirama was nowhere near as strong as Madara.

Pushing forward with my chakra helping me, I pushed trough the invisible force, dragging me into the darkness. I refused to be claimed by darkness. No, I'm too young to die.

"Bull crapppppp!" I yelled pushing forward. Somehow yelling made me feel a little better and the uneasiness released a little too.

I smiled a determined smile and continued pushing with what I had left.

Madara's P.O.V

I racked through my memories and quickly found the first day it all happened.

I was following this girl with long brown hair, she didn't seem to notice me as my eyes scanned her. In her small hand was a juicy red apple that she stole from the shop. My hand crept to the place where I hid my kunai's and threw one at her, purposely nipping her ear.

She yelped and turned to glare at where the kunai came from as I stepped out of the shadows, my armour rustling. Her face turned into fear as she darted away, away from me. I smirked, little brat thinking she can run away from me. Dropping her apple she sprinted away and---

That's it! If the crows hadn't disposed of it already, it should still be lying on the ground. I frowned as I remembered what it said. Why would I want to return the apple to her. It would be half rotten or worse! I wrinkled my eyebrows and decided to see if the apple was still there. Why would it be anyway? But my instincts dragged me over to my door and made me open it. The sky was still dark and the glow of the moon was hidden behind the mist. Wolves howled and I smirked. It had been a while since I've battled at night, I wonder if I will encounter someone dangerous. Just because I was Uchiha Madara, I decided to go threaten some random stranger for money, even though I already had heaps.

Still smirking underneath my long spiky hair, I walked towards the spot near the apple but decided to visit the place where she stole it from. Opening the door to the shop, warm air welcomed me. The fire was blazing and the same lady that yelled 'Theif' was present.

"771 yen." I demanded, slamming my palms onto the nearest table, smirking my creepy smile.

The lady yelped and fixed her hair that was in a bun and answered with a squeak, "Sir! This shop only sells fruit and vegetables!"

"I don't care." I snapped back enjoying how she shivered and broke. "Give it to me know and your daughter will be safe."

She trembled and knew I was a dangerous and important person in this village. Nodding her head she stumbled inside her little keep safe room and counted 771 yen.

I rolled my eyes and walked out. She really was dense. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her walk out with a stack of coins and she looked where I was. Shaking my head disapprovingly, I went towards the apple.

Moriko's chakra was still lingering around here. I could feel it. Normal shinobi's would have never have felt it. But I could feel it, strong and powerful.

What surprised me was that the apple was still lying on the ground, exactly where she dropped it and still looking exactly the same, no bite marks or anything.

I didn't show my confusion at all. Picking up the apple I felt this faint chakra floating around it. Doing three handsigns, I put the apple away in the scroll and ran back to my house, jumping swiftly from branch to branch. The night was quiet once more.


Lighting a candle, I picked up Moriko bridal style and carried her over to her bed and placed her down gently, pulling the covers over. Soon her little cheeky face would drive me insane again.

I smirked slightly and shut the door before walking into my room full of many old scrolls. I ran my fingers along them and picked out one from the forest clan. I had this feeling it might have something to do with to her clan. Because of how they were once really powerful and protected everyone from harm.

Back to the apple, I didn't want her to eat it or touch it just in case something was wrong with it.

Opening the scroll, I laid it out flat in front of me, on the floor with the candle flickering next to me. The black strokes of Japanese writing made me sigh. I had to read again.

Activating my sharingan, I read it all quickly and picked up the next scroll. After going through five scrolls, I still couldn't find what I was looking for. Standing up, I took all the scrolls and piled them back onto the shelf neatly and was about to blow out the candle when a little piece of paper was sticking out of a certain scroll.

Taking out the scroll, I blew the dust off it and picked up the paper.

She could make or keep anything forever,

Heal and revive anything she wants,

Nobody knows of this,

Only a few know,

Not even herself,

If she was insane or half dead, find something she healed or made forever and make her connect the chakra together.

But only she can connect it, no one else.

If all fails or someone somewhat undos the curse, the caster shall die.

My eyes widened when I finished reading this. Moriko was quite strong, yet she knows nothing at all. Why did her family hide it away from her? I decided I would question her later.

Taking out my scroll, summoned the apple and took it, examining the shiny edges.

This apple was sure something special.

I put everything back to where it was and started walking towards her room, a half burnt out candle in my left hand and a perfectly fresh apple in the other.

To Be Continued...

I love holidays, all you can do is write and write and write and write and draw and draw and draw and draw and sing and sing and sing and sing and read and read and read and read and watch and watch and watch and watch.... ANIME!!!


Long chappy? Fast update? :D

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