Chapter 3

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Written by Savage

"Que quieres decir con que la amas?????" The woman from across the computer screen had exclaimed. Julian's mother was known to do that, when anger pulsed through her veins or the weight of frustration and annoyance hung over her, she often spoke Spanish.

"I mean what I say, mamá I find this girl fascinating" Julian replied to defend his choices. His mother had instructed him to Skype her as soon as he had arrived in India, she always wanted to know where he was. Frankly he couldn't help but be annoyed by his overprotective mother.

"Careful how you talk to her, unless you want her to fly over here and whip your ass with a wooden sandal or a belt" Yazmin chuckles as she joined Julian in the living room, slumping on the couch next to him, wrapping a towel around herself as she had just been taking a shower.

"Hi Yazmin! Has Julian been talking to girls? Has he been using protection? I don't want his Pipí to fall off because of some puta giving him a sexual disease" His mother smiled to Yazmin.

Yazmin laughed at Julian's mother "No, miss Carballar. I don't think your son will be getting girls anytime soon, his face is protection enough" Yazmin jokes.

Julian's mother faked an overly dramatic gasp as she faced Julian.

"Julian! Mira, Mira, Mira. Necesitas una novia! You need a girlfriend if you're going to give me grandchildren! How do you expect me to take care of them if you waste away your potential children en el bano?" His mother joked.

"En el bano is the only place Julian could do that" Yazmin snickers as she added to the bathroom joke.

"Mami, you know I'm terrible with that. Remember prom? " Julian asked.

"Ah! Si! Yes I remember, that puta was using you for food and the limo when she talked to the football captain! How could I forget?" His mother nodded her head, her tone had been in a slightly teasing manner.

"If you really love that Indian chica, you better be prepared to fight for her, mijo" his mother said, giving Julian advice. Julian nods at his mother's words.

"But you didn't only come here for the girls, no? You came to write una novela, a story. Talk to people, put yourself out there miho. I can't save you from socializing all the time. The ideas of a book comes from your experience, make friends. Learn to speak Hindi, Bengali, add those to your list of languages other then Ingles and Espanol" his mother chuckles lightly.

"I will mom. Love you!" Julian smiled at his mother and waved.

"Love you too, say hi to that Indian girl for me!" His mother grinned widely as she shut down the video from her side.

Julian closed the screen of his laptop, an expensive one that his mother bought him before he left.

"You really are a mama's boy aren't you?" Yazmin jokes with a laugh.

"You're just mad that yours cared too much about the bottle" Julian replied with a roast of his own.

"Why do you think I stayed with you guys all the time? That shit was unhealthy for my childhood because to this day, it's rubbed off on my siblings." Yazmin grinned shaking her head as she leaned back against the couch.

"So who exactly is Nawwar Misra and Kavuri Thakur? All I know is they're hella influential" Julian asks Yazmin.

"The Thakur family come from a long line of businessmen and traders, I think. I don't know much about them either." Yazmin replied as she opened up Julian's laptop.

Kindling Flames | A collaborative novelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora