Chapter fifteen

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Vaughns POV

For the rest of the week, me and Chase spent the evenings after school together. We talked and hung out like friends, but we kissed like newly weds. On Saturday, I went to his house, excited for another day of Chase.

I knocked on his house door, standing awkwardly as I waited for him to answer. Within seconds, Chase pulled the door open.

"Hi," he said shortly, trotting into the house and sitting down, just allowing me to follow.

"Everything fine?" I asked, shutting the door behind me and slipping off my shoes.

"Yeah, I just get frustrated easy," he rolled his eyes at himself, giving me a smile. I sit down beside him on the couch.

"What's got you frustrated?"


I widened my eyes in surprised, pushing his shoulder roughly. "You play piano? Why didn't I know this?"

"I don't know, you didn't ask."

"Why would I ask? You don't look like a music freak, unless you count heavy metal."

Chase scoffs. "Thanks."

"So, now you have to play me a song!"

Chase began to shake his head, saying, "No, I'm not even good. I wouldn't put you through that."

"Please please please please please!" I repeated, shaking his shoulders in a way to annoy him. Chase shook me off.

"Fine, just stop touching me!"

He got up, leading me down the hall as I defiantly poked him in the back and shoulders.

He led me downstairs to where an old piano sat, pushed against the back wall. In front of it was a small bench with just enough room for one person with a giant bum.

He sat down, leaving plenty of room on one side.

"Are you going to sit down?" He asked when I didn't move.

"No, that's okay. I don't want you to be falling off the side of your seat."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Besides, it's less like a concert when I sit next to the pianist."

Chase chuckled, making me smile. I thought back to my first day sitting at their lunch table. He sat, a scowl on his face that looked permanent, staring out the window. I knew he was more than a sad emo kid, I knew he was someone special.

"Go on then, play me something!" I grinned. I sat down, crossing my legs in a crows nest fashion. Chase rolled his eyes, his smile staying.

"Okay okay, but it might not be any good."

He started to play, his hands gently caressing each note. At the same time he seemed at ease, relaxed, as he did stressed, frustrated. He played the tune like his hands were built to play it, smirking when I whooped and hollered in encouragement.

He finished off, dramatically playing the last chord. I clapped and cheered, making him laugh.

"That was awesome! Play those funky tunes, piano man!" I shouted. Chase rolled his eyes as he chuckled.

"Yeah, whatever. You enjoyed it?"

"Hell yeah!"

"That's all that matters." He got up and laid a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled into it, pulling back at the same time he did. A question played on the edge of my tongue, and it took me until we were back upstairs and on the couch for me to voice it.

"What are we doing, Chase?" I asked. Chase looked up, confusion and amusement in his eyes.

"Currently, we're sitting in my living room. Breaking news, right?"

"I meant, what are we doing? We kiss, and flirt, and hang out. What are we?"

Chases amusement melted away. He got up, occupying himself with putting away some DVDs that are left on the coffee table. "Why do we need to label it? Aren't you enjoying yourself?"

"Of course I am, but--"

"Besides, its only been a week. This isn't a giant commitment so far."

"Are you saying you don't want to be committed to me?"

Chase shrugged, leaving the question floating in the air.

After a moment, he sighed, mumbling, "I'm just saying, why do we need a label? A name?"

"I'm not looking to just mess around with someone. I don't want to be taken advantage of. If I'm with someone, I'm going to be with only them. I expect the same in return."

"Im just saying, what's the importance of calling us something? Let's just be what we are?"

"And what's that?"

"Why is this is important?" He hissed, raising his voice slightly, but not turning around. "We're messing around, who cares?"

"I don't want to 'mess around'. I want something out of this that you, apparently, can't give me."

Chase dropped the DVDs back onto the table, huffing. "I'm not someone you want to be exclusive with, Vaughn. I'm selfish, and troubled, and incredibly cold. When I get upset, I just block everyone out and get agitated and snappy. I'm not easy to be around. I'm not warm and fuzzy, or kind. I'm not useful for anything. You don't want to be with me."

I stood up, walking over and standing in front of him. His eyes were on the ground, a frown etched onto his face. I gently pushed up his chin so he was looking at me.

"Chase, do you want to know why I asked?" When he didn't reply, I continued. "I want to be with you. I like you for who you are. For, and in spite, of all those things you just told me. I asked because I didn't want to force anything on you that you don't want. I have flaws too, you know.

"I'm annoying, I talk far too much. My voice is too high for my age so not only do I talk loudly and a lot, but it sounds like a prepubescent girl. I sing incredibly poorly whenever I hear a song I like. I'm clumsy, so I break anything and everything. I'm easy to get tired of. I have a constant need to be liked by people, so I end up getting walked all over and hurt and needing someone to pick me back up. You're not the only one who thinks they can't be with who they want to.

"If you want to be with me..."

As if in answer, Chase pulled me forward, kissing me passionately. I couldn't help but smile against his lips, relief overflowing out of my ears.

As I pulled back, I whispered, "So..?"


"Sounds good to me."

(A/N: if you want to hear the song Chase played, its up top. It's a cover by Yourpianocover on YouTube, which is my favourite piano account. I'm also a Dodie Clark fan, but she does singing covers as well as ukulele and guitar along with piano and this account is just piano.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :D)

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