xxxix; n. longbottom

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requested; @madi123333

you were staying at neville's for a few weeks since your parents had to do something with work. when you were bored most of the time you would sing and that's what you decide to do.

little did you know neville was listening the whole time. the door flew open and neville nearly tripped.

❝sorry, i, uh.. ❞neville didn't know what to say.

❝were you listening?❞ you asked.

❝well..yes, sorry.❞ he apologized.

❝dont worry about it, its fine.❞ you said.

❝you have a nice voice, by the way.❞ he complimented.

❝thanks.❞ you smiled.

he said trying to make it less awkward

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he said trying to make it less awkward.

❝um, no, i didn't.❞ you said.

❝oh, i'm gonna go now.❞ he said.

❝hey, neville❞ you said. ❝happy birthday!❞

❝thanks.❞ he smiled.

the rest of the day you both celebrated his birthday and he thought it was the best birthday he's had because you were there.

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