Tiny X Jillian

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if you didn't know, Jillian's bio on the Ever After High website says that she has a crush on Tiny. TINY

I never came across someone who ships them, but I'm sure most people ship her with Humphrey. If that webisode didn't scream ship then I don't know what does.

FIRST of all, Tiny barely has any screen time so we can never really get a good grasp on his personality. I don't think he's really shy, just awkward cause he barely fits into the school.

And it's pretty weird to think about a 6(ish) foot girl dating a GIANT. HELLO HOW ON EARTH IS IT SUPPOSED TO WORK THEY CANT EVEN SEE EACH OTHERS FACES!!

I need to calm down lol

My rating 2/10

Seriously where on earth is Tiny I LITERATELY forgot he was in the show 😶

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