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E! Online

Dunkirk Star Seeing Pretty Little Liars Star?

Last Friday, July 21, marked the brand new Christopher Nolan film Dunkirk's first New York premiere, most of the cast attending the very fun, casual premiere that was open to the public who had managed to purchase tickets to the said event. The Dunkirk co-stars were seen happily milling with the fans, signing and taking selfies with many people.

But no one could be less happier than Fionn Whitehead, who plays the movie's main character, Tommy, as he was seen grabbing coffee with the Pretty Little Liars star, Claudia Moss, at a small café near the event place.

An insider tells us that Whitehead had ordered two coffees and handed one to Moss, who was waiting in a booth. The two began to talk, both with wide smiles on their faces.

Whether this is enough to confirm they are actually dating, we think not, as the possibility of it just being a friendly chat is all the more likely, but in Hollywood, who knows?

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yooo waddup this is the only update for today bc school has decided to bless us with way too much homework and performance tasks that is way too much for one person to handle. especially with exams next week, i am literally drowning in schoolwork. so take this as an apology if i might delete this chapter later on, or have no updates for a few days.

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