1 - what is a good story?

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Hello again universe!

So a good story depends on your writing skills, you can pick if you want it to be fiction or non-fiction. First of all, a good story is expression. If you want to make a good story, you must think before you publish it. Some stories are just wasted because of the lack of inspiration but again, think before you publish. Yes, I'm not the boss of you but I'm just giving writing advice.


To gain readers and votes, you must have patience. You can't just gain readers or votes over night, well that's just my theory. Readers and votes doesn't really matter for me, I just write for fun. If you want to make a story, it must be original not taken by anything. So a good story for me is mostly the storyline. If you make a storyline, it must be a wise choice because if people read your story it must be interesting. Boredom is caused by storyline, so if you are so inspired it can be interesting.


Fan Fiction is the most risky one to write, again it's just my theory. Fanfics are loved because of a series, or even fanfics about strangers or idols. I have many ships in my mind so you have to gain knowledge from the thing you want to make. I also realized there were so many discontinued stories, so they delete it. Some even preserve it, and come to it after. If you have been an author of a discontinued story, you must try to redeem yourself. It might be hard to continue it, but you have to think if you can preserve, delete, or continue that discontinued story.


A good story must be done with heart and hard work so after it, it's pretty worth it to gain readers and votes. Wattpad is created to realize that we are capable to write. Sometimes, we quit Wattpad because we can't really unleash our writing spirit, but don't underestimate yourself in writing. Good stories are supposed to attract other people who can establish a greater one. So good stories are composed of nonfiction, fiction, and fanfics.

Let's, go back to the topic of good stories.


In my opinion, if you don't really like your stories then why do people love it? It means that you don't love yourself, and that you don't think your capable of writing. You must love your stories even if they're not what you wanted it to be. Good stories aren't supposed to be good, but just an ordinary story because nothing is perfect. If you can do good stories, you must believe in yourself FIRST.


You can't just edit every part then done, JUST WRITE because I think that if your super focused on the story you won't have any mistakes. Focus is the most important trait for writing, if you don't have focus then you must have it. People struggle with writing, especially misspelled words and vocabulary. Vocabulary is most needed in writing, sometimes stories talk casually and sometimes stories talk formally. I learned how to speak English when I was a three and I learned my cultural language, Tagalog when I was four. Not to brag though, reading books levels your vocabulary so you must read more until you earn glasses! My friend, itshairsyelle is getting reading glasses. ( A/N: hi! ) in my class, there are many people lacking vocabulary of English because they focused on their native and cultural language more so we need to be English Geniuses to become good people with words.


Anyways, that's it for today's chapter.


| P.S: Happy reading, universe! |

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