Finding Who I Am

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Growing up with a single mom (my mother Snow White) I've always wondered who my father was, but every time I would ask it was like a forbidden question in Auradon. Wouldn't you go crazy not knowing half of where you came from?
To add on my problems you may know I grew up in Auradon where everyone was polite, some were fake *cough *cough Audrey (Sleeping Beauty's daughter). I grew up being good and evil. Hard to believe? I wanna know why too. Why was I polite some days and why did the Isle of the Lost call my name other days. Why was a I so weird compared to the other kids my age in Auradon? Why was my one and only best friend Ben (Son of Belle & Beast)? I never was a lady of the court but I never was a 'bad kid' either. Confused? So was I growing up until one day....

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