Thank You So Much For You're Support❤

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Wow guys thank you so much...5k views on this that's amazing😅

Even though I wrote this when I was 13 haha
A lot has changed I've grown up,don't get me wrong I still like CP though
I do stuff with youtube I draw like recently this is a video I did with a good friend of mine which is gonna be a series!!!

Hopefully I'll be getting my channel set up soon lol

I just wanted you guys to know from this day forth I'll be called PixelatedGrace

You can contact me on Twitter which is easier to talk to me on.

Sorry this isn't a properly formated writing

But I'll still be on I check in on here once in a while so go ahead Dm me if you like

I have steam maybe we can play some games!

I would love too

As for now

Stay Creepy mah freinds~

<Creeper Out>

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