3 questions and a dare

191 7 4

Me : Hey Guys I'm back

Toby :Me too *kisses Grace*

Me : 0////0 *no comment*

Toby : Let's get on with the questions All from


Slendy : L.J do you know what the pocky game is? ;)

L.J : Yes  0////0

Ben : L.J's got a crush

L.J : Shut up  0////0 So I bet she's cute ;)

Ben : ooooooo

E.J :

2.)Slender do you always dress up or do you have causal clothes ???

Slender : What do you mean ? =_="

Trender : Finally someone agree's ,Let's go get you casual clothes!

Slender : Nooooooo *Gets dragged away*

Dark :

3.) Ben do you like it when people ship you with Sally?


Sally : Benny boo

Cat : For the dare

E.J kiss Masky

E.J :Nooooo *kisses Grace*

Me : Die's and faints

Toby : Grace!!!!!

E.J :^-^ tee hee

Jane : Doooo it!!!!!

E.J : Kisses Masky*

Masky : Why does everyone hate me T^T

E.J : He taste's like CheeseCake 0^0

Me : Still Dieing

E.J :looks at Grace *Oops

Me : He taste's like kidneys 0_0 it tasted good,But Toby taste's like Wafflz *Tackkles Toby and kisses him *

Ben : No fair!!!!

Slender :PG 13 guys! 0_0

Jane : We better go

Keep asking Question and dares

~Stay Creepy mah freinds

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