The date

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-Hours later-

"Hey, Kim!" Laurance runs over to Kim. "Oh." Kim stutters "h-hi Laurance".
"Hey, uh, I was thinking, maybe. You wanna go out sometime?"
"Like on a d-date!!"
Laurance pushes Kim's hair behind her ear "Yeah, a date."
"YES! I mean, yeah sounds cool."
"Come over to my dorm at 8, we can hang out, see ya then"
"okAy!" Laurance walks away.
Kim calls Lucinda "come on Lucinda answer..."
"Hey Kim"
"Lucinda! Guess what! Guess what!"
"What is it Kim?"
"Laurance asked me out!!!"
"On a date?"
"Oh.." Lucinda feels slightly jealous. She doesn't know why because Kim is her best friend and has been waiting for this forever. Why isn't she happy for her?
"Isn't it great!"
"Yeah Kim, that's wonderful.. when and where are you two lovebirds going out ?"
"He just wanted to hang out at his dorm tomorrow at 8"
"Hangout? Was that his exact words?"
"I think so! Why?" Kim gets concerned wondering why Lucinda would ask.
Lucinda thinks that he only wants sex but doesn't want to ruin Kim's date if she's wrong. "Oh,, nothing. I'm just so excited for you!"
"Thanks! I'm gonna go pick out something to where for tomorrow"
"Bye kim.."

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