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Kim starts running to Lucinda's dorm and knocks hard on the door. "Lucinda!" She yells.
"Hey sweetie how'd it-"
Kim hugs Lucinda. Kim starts crying. "I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to do it. I didn't know how to tell him no"
"Kim, are you okay? What happened, Kimmy?"
"We had sex"
"Oh sweetie-"
Lucinda brings her to the couch. Kim tells her what happened.
"Oh, Kim, im so sorry."

Lucinda grew a hate for Laurance. Her and him used to have a flirty thing. But after he just used Kim for sex she wanted to rip his head off. Lucinda looks at Kim.

Lucindas thoughts:
I'd treat her so much better. Our hang out would be cuddling and a kiss here or there. Nothing she didn't like. Wait.. Kiss? I want to kiss Kim?

Lucinda had never been confused like this before. She had always flirted with guys and been in control with herself and her feelings. But Kim completely threw her off her game. Lucinda looked at Kim.

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