Suprise bitch!

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"what!" my jaw hung wide open I looked over at Justin who had the same shocking expression on his face  "how? what? no!" is it all that came out of his mouth we haven't even had sex!" I swear he looked at me "well Justy when we were together we had lots of fun remember." she winked

part of me wanted to just slap her across the face but the other half of me just wanted to keep it botteled inside me

he bit his lip but nothing came out "Is it true!" i held back the tears

he slightly nodded "But we used protection!" he snapped at her "well its 90 percent of the time it works maybe the 10 percent got to use." she smirked he looked down at the floor not saying a word i looked over at Chaz who just looked like he saw a ghost

"Im sorry (yn)" justin mumbled i couldnt hold the tears they ran down my face i got up and ran away i felt like running and never stopping

i was right he always hurts me one way or another he always hurts me

i finally stopped running as fast as i could with crutches -_-

i was at the childerens play ground i took a seat and watched as children laughed and played

i looked down at my small bump "its lil baby we'll be okay..we dont need him or anyone else." i cried "excuse me?" someone tapped my shoulder i looked up and saw a small little girl probably 5..

"Huh?" i wiped my tears "Why are you crying?" she asked curiously "its been a bad thats all." i smiled weakly "Oh ywah me to my kitty scratched me and it willy hurt i cwied." she held out her hand and showed me her small scratched

"oh did a kitty swratch you to?" she pointed at my scar and cuts that were showing

"Shit." i mumbled under my breath not loud enough for her to hear though

i quickly pulled up my sleeve "Did a kitty make those to?" she asked again "uh yeah." i lied

"owh my big sissy had those to but shes in heaven now thats what mommy told me." she said

i felt so bad

"im sorry."

"why? my sissy is on vacation in heaven mommy told me when i get very very old ima go on vacation with my sissy!" she smiled

i smiled and hugged her " thanks." i smiled
"why?" she asked confused

"because..i just need to talk to someone even if it was someone so small and smart!" i laughed

she giggled "oh yeah im in kinder and im so swart!"

"yes you are!" i laughed "im (yn) by the way.."

"im abby!" she smiled

"(YN)!' someone called my name i turned around and saw Justin i rolled my eyes "Well i have to go it was nice talking to you but i have to go." i smiled "oh okay bye!" she ran back to the play ground "(YN)!!!!" he ran up to me "WHAT!" i snapped "(Yn) babe-" i cut him off before he could finish "Dont call me that im not your babe anymore! go back with selena like you all ways do!" i said harshly "im sorry.." he tears rolled down his face "JUSTIN YOU ALWAYS SAY SORRY YOU NEVER MEAN IT YOU THINK YOU JUST SAY SORRY AND ITS MAGICALLY ALL OKAY WELL NEWS FLASH NO ITS NOT!" I yelled 

-Selena's Pov (its short)

"OMG chaz! it worked!" i laughed "our plan worked!" a huge smile plastered my face


Guys ive been thinking lately.. and ive been thinking of taking down this story..its just i have so many ghost followers that dont comment or vote which makes me feel like im just wasting my time..

Qotd- should i take down this story? i dont know?!?!

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