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Ashleys p.o.v

Cc and i have been cuddling for a while. I felt safe and warm. The time must've flew by because the nurse came in with the paperwork to release me. The nurse asked cc to step out to talk. I sat awkwardly alone on the bed. Why does everyone want my Cc. After around 5 minuets or so I was starting to get anxious. I wrapped my tail around me and started to rub it again.

Cc p.o.v

The nurse asked me to step outside the room to speak with her. I hope theres nothing wrong with ash.

"Mr. Mora, concerning your neko, ashley has traces of drugs in his system. And were not talking about low class stuff like marijuana. He has traces of oxycodone in his system and we wanted to know if you had something to do with that."

( oxycodone is a medicine for intense pain, but if tooken and it wasn't prescribed it becomes a very, very strong drug and here in America if ur found with it and your name isnt on the prescription bottle you can go to jail... yeah)

"WHAT?" I said way to loudly. I opened the door to the room to see ashley staring out the window.

"Ashley, you're in big trouble and you're going to explain to me what happened right now."

Theres no way im going to jail over a neko.

He backed up into the near by corner and curled up into a ball.

"Please dont hurt me, please done hurt me." He whimpered.
Ok maybe yelling at him isnt the best way to respond.

I crouched down beside him and he was crying. The poor dude was terrified. I started to rub behind his ears and he flinched. He never did ease up and he was tensed the whole time.

"Ashley, are you ready to talk?" I asked quietly.
The nurse was watching our every move and it was making me even more nervous.

"Im... ready to talk just...please dont get mad at me." He said weakly.

"Ok ash this is very important ok. I need to know everything because right now, the nurse wants to throw me in jail."

"But why? All you ever did was be nice and kind cc. Why would she want you to go to jail?"

"Well while you were staying here they did some test on you and they found some stuff."


"What? No ash you're not going to die."


He started to hyperventilate.

"Calm down ashley you are not going to die."

He started to calm down and his breathing became normal again.

"Then whats wrong? He started to rub his tail.

"Well the nurse said that they found this drug in you. Now ashley are you doing drugs?" I asked calmly.

"Well... umm... my friend knew this guy who had medicine and i had just gotten jumped by these other guys. And i was in so much pain and it hurt really badly so... my friend, she told me that it was a drug but a lot of people do drugs and... i just... i knew i shouldnt had tooken it but i just wanted the pain to go away... and just..."

His voice started to crack as tears started to stream down his face. I know that ashley would probably get beat up. I mean look at him. He's a small, emo, neko. He had no one to help him and especially no one to help take the pain away.

"Im glad you're hear Cc.  You take away the other type of pain. The pain that comes when you've been hurt for so long. The physical pain goes away but not the pain inside... well atleast not until you found me Cc."

I grabbed him and hugged him. I was tempted to kiss him again and I dont know why. Ashley how are you doing this to me. I lifted up his chin.

"You take my pain away too."

"Ahem, Mr. Mora?" The nurse interrupted us. I sighed and ashley backed away.

"Im not going to file you for possession of drugs but if we find anything were keeping you under suspicion."

"Thank you so much." I said genuinely happy. I did not want to go to jail. The nurse walked off down the hall to go bother someone else.

"Can we leave now cc?"

"Yeah lets go home." I got up and helped him up. He held my hand in his and we left out the room. I dialed an uber to pick us up since now... I don't have a car.   We walk out into the hospital lobby and I saw the uber driver outside for us.

"Thanks doc, man my eye still hurts." I heard come from a familiar voice across the room.

"Well you sure took a beating to it. Im surprised that you arent blind. Im glad we could save it." I heard the doctor respond.

"Yeah this dumb neko beat me up. They're a lot stronger than what they look."

Ashley and I both froze. At the same time, we both turned our heads to look behind us. Our eyes met with the guy from the store and with his one eye, we could tell he wasnt all to happy to see us.


I'm a freak show, I know. (Cashley) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora