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it was 12:30, exactly an hour before she was to meet fionn, and amber was freaking out. this was her first date since moving to London and she didn't have a clue what to expect, plus she didn't have any friends to help her out.

after lying helplessly in front of her closet, amber finally decided to wear some loose fitting jeans, a white t-shirt, and a green flannel.

she slid on her glasses, and without any further procrastinating, walked out the door.

amber walked into the small coffee shop at 1:28. she knew because she had been constantly checking her watch to make sure she wasn't too early.


she heard a voice call. she looked around and found fionn sitting in a leather chair by a small table. she waved and began to walk over to him, heart beating loudly in her chest.

"hi!" she spoke as confidently as she could.

"here, uh, sit down." he said, motioning to the chair across from him. "i got you a hot chocolate."

amber laughed, noticing the mug of her signature drink on the table. "why thank you, you know me so well."

this time, fionn was the one to blush. "ya, well." he scratched behind his ear. "as I said, it matches your eyes."

amber smiled, a genuine smile. this was the second time he had told her this and it still caused the same fluttering in her stomach.

she took a sip of the chocolate liquid, sighing from the delicious taste. "this hot chocolate is so good, what do you put in it?" amber questioned.

"it's a secret." the brunette said with a twinkle in his green eyes.

"as long as it's not drugs." responded amber, taking another sip.

fionn laughed. man his laugh was glorious. amber stared at the boy with an amazed smile plastered on her face.

fionn stopped laughing and returned the stare.

"so..." amber said quietly.

fionn spoke before she could finish her sentence, "tell me about yourself."


about thirty minutes later, amber had learned that fionn's favorite animal was a dolphin, he could go a month only eating tacos, and that his favorite item of clothing was his yellow raincoat.

she told fionn all about her Disney obsession and how she'd always wanted to be on Broadway despite her lack of acting talent. she also told him about her job and how she wanted to be taken more seriously as a journalist. fionn had been super encouraging, something amber needed in her life.

"shall we go?" fionn asked, offering his arm to amber.

"we shall." she said with a giggle, linking her arm with his.


amber was euphoric. strolling through flower lined pathways with this boy, fionn, was filling her with joy she hadn't experienced in a long time.

the two talked about everything from collecting postcards to funny YouTube videos. amber realized how easy it was for her to talk with fionn. usually she found it extremely difficult to carry a conversation, but with fionn, everything just seemed so natural.

amber watched as the boy she was growing pretty fond of bent down every thirty seconds to sniff flowers. amber smiled at all the joy exuding from him. how was she so lucky to have scored a date with this boy?

the two ran around on a hunt to find the best smelling flowers, leaving pairs of footprints along the way.

"you know, when I was little I wanted to be a breakdancer?" fionn said with a laugh as the two walked, now hand in hand, through the garden.

the sun was setting, creating a beautiful glow of orange and yellow across the fields of flowers.

amber laughed. "no way! you'll have to show me some moves."

fionn chuckled. "maybe later."


it was now dark outside and fionn was walking amber home. the walk was mostly silent, each lost in their own thoughts of today's events.

amber stopped when they reached her destination. "well, this is where I leave." she said, smiling up at the brunette.

"today was a lot of fun." responded fionn, leaning in closer towards amber.

"yeah." she gasped as his eyes came right I front of hers.

fionn leaned close and gave her a small peck on the cheek. "I'll text you." he whispered and walked off, leaving amber alone with her thoughts.

romance is a bloomin folks


hot chocolate//fionn whiteheadWhere stories live. Discover now