Chapter 6

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Twilight's P.O.V.

The second sector is only half way done and today we have to be in some press event thing. It turns out that those two ponies got all the hoofprints they need for the petition to legalize gay marriage. So now we had to do the event. I was sitting in my seat and all the press ponies and poparazi ponies were asking us questions.

"Princesses why did you approve of this petition.", asked a press pony. "It only seemed fair. If straight ponys can marry, then why can't homosexual ponies marry.", Celestia said. "Princesses is there any personal reason why you would approve this?", asked another press pony. We really didn't know what to say. "Well why would you ask that?", I said. "We've heard rumors that one of you is a lesbian, is this true?", he said. When didn't know how to answer that. But we did. "Uh...No that is not true.", Celestia said. "Celestia why did you hesitate there? Are one of you a lesbian?", asked another press pony. And question after question following that one, kept getting more and more personal and deep. It was starting to get annoying. And they all went back to 'are one of you a lesbian?' Ugh! I wish i could just tell them so they would just stop asking it, if one more pony asks if one of us are then I'm going to lose it. "For the last time, neither of us are lesbian.", Celestia said annoyed. "Celestia are you the lesbian?", asked another press pony. "ENOUGH!!", I shouted. And it shutted everypony up. "If one more pony asks us if one of us is a lesbian, I will personally put that pony in the dungeon MYSELF!", I shouted and it shut everypony up. If fact none of them even asked us anything. Everypony just sat there quietly, in awkward silence. "Fine if that's how everypony wants to be like, fine! If you want to know so badly them here you go! I'm a lesbian,there HAPPY NOW? YOU JERKS!", I shouted as I slammed my hooves onto the table and teleported to my room. I climbed onto my bed, lied down and cried.

After a few hours there was a knock on the door. "Twilight are you okay? Can we come in?", asked Cadence. "No! Go away!", I shouted, I didn't want to see anypony right now. A whole hour past until there was another knock on the door. "Go away!", I shouted. "Twilight it's me, Rainbow Dash, please let me in.", she said. "Rainbow?", I said and opened the door to let her in. I closed the door and she sat down next to me. "What are you doing here?", I asked, leaning onto her shoulder. "The princesses came to get me, to help you.", she said, comforting me. "So did they tell you what happened?", I asked. "Yeah, pretty much all of Equestria knows.", she said. Which only made start to cry again. "It's okay Twilight. Please stop crying.", she said. "O-Okay.", I said. "Just look at the bright side.", she said. "What's the bright side?", I asked. "We don't have to hide the fact that we're dating.", she said. It did make me happy. "That is nice, but no pony will treat me the same. They'll just know me as the princess that is a lesbian, they'll avoid me like I'm a disease.", I said. "Well that's their problem. If their gonna abandon the sweetist, the most beautiful and smart and the most talented pony, then it's their loss. That just means I get you all for myself.", she said and kissed me on the cheek. I giggled at the last thing Rainbow said. "Thanks Rainbow.", I said and kissed her back. "How long you going to be staying here in Canterlot?", I asked. "I'll stay as long as you want.", Rainbow said and kissed me on the lips. "Thanks.", I said and fell asleep lying against her.

Rainbow's P.O.V.

I was going to stay here in Canterlot with Twilight no matter what anypony said. I was going to stay with her till these meetings end. I looked over to her. She had fallen asleep. "I'd better put you on the bed.", I said to myself and put Twilight down on the bed and put the blanket over her. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep. I lied down on the bed next to her and fell asleep next to her. We I woke up she was gone. "Twilight?", I said, looking for her. I found a note on the stand.
-------------------------------------------Dear Rainbow,
I had to go to the next meeting and you looked so peaceful. So I didn't want to wake you up.

With love,
That's so sweet of her. I made the bed. And left the room. I found my to the dinning room. And got something to eat. After I ate some food. I walked around the castle. "This place is big.", I said to myself. Then I overheard Two guards talking. "Hey did you hear about Princess Twilight?", the one with golden armor asked. "Yeah, I can't believe that she's one of those gay freaks.", the one with dark Armor said. That just got me mad. "I don't even care that she's a princess, I won't protect her, she can die for all I care.", said the golden Armored one. "Yeah.", said the other one. I couldn't just let them talk about Twilight like that. I had to stop this. "HEY! You can't talk about a princess that way.", I shouted flying up to them. "So what? What are you gonna do about?", he said. "This.", I said and punched him right in the face, instantly knocking him to the ground. "No pony talks badly about my marefriend.", I said and walked away leaving the other guard completely speechless. "I'll become a guard myself if I have to.", I said to myself.

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