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Before you read the story you need to understand who is who...etc.

Full name: Briana-Rois Coyle

nationality: Irish




Hair; Naturally blonde but silver at the beginning of the story.


light blue

Height; 5'7

Has pale skin and freckles without makeup

Fashion sense:

- Wears dark colours usually.

- Prefers trousers over dresses and skirts but will wear them.

- Wears over size sweaters when she wears sweaters.

- Likes to wear band shirts.

- Always wears stretchy jeans.

- Also, wears cute shirts.

She's a dancer, Actress and a singer in a group called Midnight, also she's the head of the department she's in at her company (Which is how she meets EXO, to begin with).


She's from a very rich Irish family (note this doesn't have much to do with the story but it's part of her background) But her dad chose to make his own money so growing up he had money problems and her family paid for her to dance.

She started dancing at age 2 in her company which is where she meant her future group members.

Tommy (In the Group Midnight) became her best friend and dancing partner when they were 5.

She's an expert in Ballet and contemporary dance.

Is a child actress as well but in the theatre, not in movies or TV shows.

Dreamed of becoming a singer when she was young and then aspirating other people to do what they dream of!

Broke her back when she was 14 from falling badly on a trampoline then it took a year to dance again.

Debuted with her Group Midnight on the 31st of December 2018 at one minute to midnight with a song called 'In the dark'.

Moved to South Korea with her friend Ella before her debut because Ella was opening up a restaurant there and didn't have the money for both the accommodation and the rent for the restaurant.

Earned money before debuting by teaching dance to younger dancers and working part time at McDonald's.

Does lots of charity work.

Friends with Cameron Monaghan (Fellow actor).


Irish (Gaelic), English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian and is learning Italian.

Midnight: Names and age, Nationality also position-

Tyler Gonzalez - 23/5/90 - 27 Years old - American

Stage name: Ty

Singer and actor.

Theodor Lloyd - 12/7/90 - 27 Years old - English

Stage name: Theo

Visual and singer.

Angèle Appell - 21/11/91 - 26 Years old - French

Stage name: Bonbon (candy in French)

She's a singer and French actress.

Jia Zexi - 29/2/92 - 25 Years Old - Chinese

Stage name: Lexi

Main Singer and dancer.

Daniel Locke - 24/1/94 - 23 Years old - English

Stage name: Danny


Lucy Cato - 14/10/95 - 22 Years old - Australian

No stage name

Main singer and main dancer

Sammy Celestino - 1/11/95 - 22 Years old - Italian American

Stage name: Sam

Visual and main dancer.

Tolokonski Lubomir Yermolayevich - 26/3/96 - 21 Years Old -Russian

Stage Name: Tommy

Rapper and main dancer.

Briana-Rois Coyle - 12/12/96 - 20 Years Old - Irish

Stage Name: Rose

Main singer, dancer and actress.

Fans are called 'stars'

They're an international group that performs mostly in English formed by a company called Phoenix (not a real company) who are a Russian based company which originally was a dance company before expanding into acting, modelling and music.


Four departments -

Dance - Everything to do with dance is in this department.

Modelling - Everything to do with fashion and modelling.

Acting - Actors, directors, everything to do films and shows.

Music - Anything to do with music. (Briana became in charge of this department in 2016 when the old head neglected his job).

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