Chapter Three

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In a state of amazement.

They're probably the best expressions that I can use to explain the way I felt during the beginning of the meeting I had with two very experienced businessmen.

Lee Soo Man laughed loudly, "So you're the most qualified for this type of job apparently then?" He questioned.

"Yes, Our old director wasted money and didn't as you could say cared for the job anymore" I answered.

"What do you mean 'didn't care anymore'?" The CEO asked.

"Well he spent money on stuff that wasn't for the job and when as an artist I mentioned about widening our business partnerships, he ignored me, he ignored everyone, to be honest, he didn't do anything with auditions, he stopped turning up to work on time, neglected his job".

"So what happened?" Mr Lee asked.

"When our CEO found out, she fired him straight away and took over the responsibilities herself until the seat was filled" I replied.

"How did you get the job?" Soo Man asked.

"I was the only one who was truly passionate about the job, I had the artist point of view but also I had a plan of how I was to better the company as a whole".

"Impressive" Kim Young Min(CEO) said.

"Not really, I think it was sort of fate since I come from a long line of powerful women, business women really" I laughed quietly.

"Do you? Tell me about your family if possible" Lee Soo Man inquired.

"Well first of all, I'm from a strong, independent, beautiful country who prize strength, we were imprisoned by the English for centuries and forced to speak their language, be their slaves but we never lost the hope and spirit of what Ireland truly was so as you would aspect strong people were born out of that, the strongest is the woman, we ruled everything and without Irish women, Ireland wouldn't be what it is today. They told their children stories about what Ireland could be if we were freed from the English so that started the fight for freedom, it looks decades but we got it finally and with that came a civil war between Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, the north wanted to stay under English rule while the south didn't So they divided themselves up and Southern Ireland left the English rule. I'm from Southern Ireland so I'm not sure if you can guess but I'm passionate again about the freedom that we have In Ireland and my family have always been fighting for freedom in Ireland for Centuries because of the stories our woman told, because of the strength they infused in us from birth to death and it'll always be like that, so I obviously have the spirit of an Irish woman". I finished.

"So you get that passion and good business techniques from women who died before you were born?" Lee Soo Man asked.

"Yes, it's just the Irish spirit".

We came close to finishing our meeting and to amazement, I didn't embarrass myself too much.

"I will look forward to our next meeting next Monday!" Lee Soo Man stood up and offered his hand, Kim Young Min did too, I shook both their hands and bowed, "You are free to speak to anyone here, artist or staff whenever you visit, however, for now, we will send some artists to your building to save you time as I can see you seem jet lagged" he added.

"Thank you for your generosity" I replied with another bow, then the door opened with the same woman who brought me here signalling that the meeting was over.

I grabbed my bag put it on my shoulder, "I will look forward to our second meeting next Monday" I added another bow to both men and left the room, I wiped the sweat off my forehead in relief.

The woman was silent the whole journey back down to the first floor, she bowed at Taemin from SHINee.....I was sure that was Taemin, I don't know but never spoke until she turned to me at the front desk, "here please feel free to exit the building as you want!" She said shortly and then with the clip of her heels went back the way we came.

Okay I thought, I walked towards the door and walked out into the sunshine of Seoul, the bright sun lighting up Seoul, I wanted to explore Seoul more but I'm tired so I head towards Gangnam, towards home.

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