Chapter 4: Genesis

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Azazel's POV:

I walked down the corridor of the pitch black laboratory. My plan was gradually falling into place after so much time. All I need is the submission of more people and I can finally activate D.O.G. - Destructive Operation Goatee. The final key I need is more bodily fluids and I'll finally have it. For ten years I have waited for this moment and glory. These wizards will be the final victims and they won't even remember anything after today. They were associates of my evil plan who are clueless to even begin to understand what I had to endure. My youth was taken from me and so I will take theirs to restore my glory.

Natsu's POV:

I practically dragged Lucy all the way down the steps and outside to the waterpark. I almost had to scream like a little kid. Actually, I did.

"Oh my god, oh my god, Lucy! We're here! We're here! We're really here!" I shouted. She rolled her eyes and started walking forward, yawning. Since she didn't notice, I took this time to stare at her body. Damn, she looked good in a bikini. Suddenly, I was knocked to the ground!

Lucy's POV:

"You dumbass! What the fuck are you doing, staring at a girl's ass?!" a voice shouted. I stopped walking and turned around. I sighed and facepalmed myself.

"Get off him, Gray!" I shouted. "He is my boyfriend, you know!" Gray scoffed and got off Natsu. He flipped him off and walked over to me. As he walked by, he whispered into my ear.

"Listen, Lucy, don't get cocky. I heard from outside of your door. Please use protection next time. You're like a younger sister to me. It'll be a pain if you get pregnant right now," Gray muttered. I froze. He walked to the pool area in the waterpark. I turned and looked at Gray. I wasn't sure if I should feel disturbed that he listened to Natsu and I, or the fact he always will be looking out for me as a brother...

I flinched as I heard scuffling from behind me. I whirled around to see Natsu struggling to his feet. I walked over and helped him up.

"Ugh, that damn bitch," Natsu groaned. I punched him lightly.

"Hey, that's still our teammate you're talking about!" I said. Natsu mumbled something inaudible. I rolled my eyes and ran off.

"Oi, wait up!" Natsu shouted from behind me. I laughed and jumped into the pool. Although, it made me wonder. Does Natsu ever get bothered by water since his element is fire?

Gray's POV:

I watched Lucy and Natsu run off in the distance. Despite my rivalry with Natsu, I'm happy for their relationship. Although, they had better have safe sex. I turned to leave. Suddenly, something caught my eye. There was a man in one of the suites. He seemed to be looking down at everyone. I noticed him on the first day I came here, but I've seen him there since. Something's weird. I don't know why, but my instincts were telling me something was wrong.

I started to walk back to the hotel. I intended to find this guy's room number or something like that. Suddenly, a shocking pain ripped through my body! I collapsed to the ground and grabbed my bare chest. I screamed but no one seemed to hear. What was happening?! My head wanted to explode. I couldn't take it. My sight went dark and I blacked out.

Serpex's POV:

I went down the hall to the cafeteria. When I arrived, I wasn't prepared for what I was about to see. Rogue stood outside the door with Frosch crying in his hands. I ran over.

"Rogue! Did something happen?!" I said. He didn't respond and just pointed to the cafeteria door. I slowly stood up and looked. I froze. Inside the room was a... Disturbing sight. There were people having sex throughout the whole room. I turned to Rogue and slumped down beside him. I felt sick and bile welled up in my throat.

"F-Frosch saw it happen," Rogue said quietly. "He said they acted normal and then... They started taking off their clothes and...That happened." He turned to look at me. "Ser, I think something is happening. Whatever it is, it's effecting everyone, even the Fairy Tail wizards." I nodded. We slowly got up and walked to our room. Frosch had calmed down and was sleeping in Rogue's arms. Suddenly, as we walked up the stairs, we saw Gajeel leaning against the door. There was banging from the other side and he seemed to be struggling.

"Um... Gajeel? Is everything a-alright?" I asked. My voice was quiet and high-pitched.

"Levy's gone mad!" he shouted. "I don't know why but she's begging for sex! I listened for a while but she's gone mad. Like girls have an unnatural sex drive sometimes, I get it. But this is beyond the usual. I just don't get why!" I gasped and Rogue's eyes seemed to widen.

"That's what happened in the cafeteria!" I exclaimed. "There's people fucking each other. Both normal people and wizards."

"You guys don't seem to be effected," Gajeel remarked.

"You're right," Rogue muttered. "Hmm...I wonder if it has to do with the fact we're all dragon slayers." I snapped my fingers.

"We should see Natsu about this! I would ask Sting but he's not here..." I suggested. Gajeel nodded. He hesitated before letting go of the door, but he finally did and then bolted out. Rogue and I ran after him trailing Gajeel's quickly distraughtly strewn scent. We followed it to the pool. I almost had to throw up when I got there.

Everyone was having sex. I shouldn't be surprised but it was still perturbing to witness.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I muttered incoherently. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling in the distance.

"Over here!" the voice said. I turned and saw Gajeel, Natsu, and that other girl standing in the distance. I ran over. Rogue explained some things to me and it seemed his suspicion was right. Whatever this calamity was, it didn't affect dragon slayers. Lucy, Natsu's girlfriend turned out to possess a small amount celestial dragon slayer magic as an after effect of the Eclipse Project. How surprising. She didn't appear to be a dragon slayer. Then again, neither do I.

We went to the nearby bar so that we could discuss the situation away from the... Activities.

Azazel's POV:

I watched from my window as the people below. It's funny how they don't realize that all that sweat and semen is slowly being sucked away from them and preserved in an alternate body. How lewd. It's funny how easily these people gave in to my mind control machine.

As I thought about these things, I suddenly noticed five figures running away from the water park. Something was wrong. If they were under my control, they'd be fucking. It couldn't be, could it? Those five... Are they dragon slayers?

The only ones who could ever even ignore the effects of my spells are dragon slayers. Damn! Looks like things are going to get complicated... But no matter. They cannot reach me easily even if they all combine their powers.

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