Chapter 7: Madman

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Natsu's POV:

I woke up inside a strange room. When I got my feeling of touch back, I wriggled my nose. I remembered being knocked out as I found those bodies full of semen. The smell wasn't here now. Had I been moved? Suddenly, it flashed through my mind. I'd been knocked out. I tried to open my eyes, but my vision was blurred over and wouldn't focus.

"I see you've discovered my secret. I can't let you tell anyone though," a voice echoed through. I growled and struggled to move, but my body felt sore. I grabbed my head and bent down on my knees and a pounding sound like my heartbeat pulsed through my head.

"Damn..." I muttered.

"He's awake, awake!" a voice said. "Oh ho, master will be pleased. Very much pleased."

"Shut up, Tenzo," another voice said.

"But, Takuro!" said the voice who must've been Tenzo.

"I said shut up!" shouted Takuro. My eyesight finally adjusted, and I looked up to see to small beings standing behind bars, no rather in front of bars. I was the one inside. One of the beings was a little lizard-like creature. He had purple eyes and blue skin. His expression was stone cold with no emotion. He was facing away from the cell. The other creature was green and had bright yellow eyes. He was staring at me.

"The hell are you looking at?" I scowled. The green beast grinned.

"Me Tenzo. My brother Takuro. We Brothers," said Tenzo. Suddenly, Takuro's head wizzed around. His purple eyes glared at Tenzo.

"Tenzo! Don't give information like that to the enemy!" he shouted. Tenzo cringed.

"But, nii-san," Tenzo whined. Takuro rolled his eyes. Suddenly, there was a creak of a door. Tenzo and Takuro turned to the source of the sound. Tenzo immediately returned to his position. They both bowed and footsteps neared.

"Any improvement on the boy's condition?" a gruff voice asked. Takuro was the one who answered.

"He's woken up, sir," he said. A shadow loomed over. As it neared, I made out a tall, thin man. He looked... Malnourished. Yes, I know long words. Anyway, he was wearing a purpleish clown outfit. His hair was grey and he was grabbing his chin. The man leaned down and stared at me. I slowly stood up as I tried to ignore the pain.

"What 'chu looking at?" I growled. The man grinned.

"Seems you survived the poison and managed to speak," he said. "I am Zel, short for Azazel. I'm impressed that you were able to foil my plans." I glared at him. No doubt, he was the one who'd been behind this whole shenanigan.

"Just what are you planning, ya bastard?!" I shouted. Azazel laughed.

He stood up and said, "You really want to know? The answer foolish boy, is for D.O.G. or Destructive Operation Goatee." I narrowed my eyes.

"Dog? As in a puppy? Damn, that's not a threatening name at all," I said. Bob became enraged by this.

"Not threatening?! What if the person was allergic to them little mutts? Huh?" he objected. I thought about this. I suppose you would stay away from canines if you were allergic.

"Hmm, good point, Bozo," I said.

"It's Azazel!" he shouted. I grinned.

"I'm nicknaming you Bozo!" I said. Azazel bared his teeth (which were quite yellow, almost like butter). He muttered a swear word but I couldn't make out what it was. "So," I said. "What's this D.O.G. thing?" Azazel the Bozo's eyes glinted with pride.

"Well, I'd be happy to explain!" he exclaimed. "You see, a long time ago, I was a skilled wizard. I specialized in potions, rings, and all that sort. But, when they were outlawed, I was left with no source of income. But when I begged to use my potions or my rings at least, the master of my guild just.... HE CUT OFF MY GOATEE!" The bozo was bawling by now.

"Wait... So, is this D.O.G. plan thing just for revenge for cutting off your goatee?" I asked. The man snapped his fingers.

"That's only part of the plan. I'm collecting semen as a mass ingredient to use for my final spell. Once I collect enough, I can finally make my goatee grow back instantly!!!" Azazel answered. I stared at him.

"Can't you just wait for it to grow back in a few years? It is facial hair," I said. Bob froze and hesitated. Suddenly he facepalmed.

"WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT?!" he exclaimed. "HOW COULD I BE SO DUMB?" Wow, the thought never occurred to this guy? Damn. But, it didn't change the fact he was hurting others.

"You're a fool, Bozo," I said. "A damn fool. You're making others suffer for such a selfish reason. And for that, I can't forgive you! Take this! Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Flames burst from my hand and melted the chains around me. I crashed through the bars and punched Azazel in the face. He fell back with a burn on his right cheek.

"Argh!" he cried in pain.

"You should think about your actions next time!" I shouted. I prepared to attack again, when I suddenly felt something hit me in the stomach! A jolt of pain lurched through me and I flew back and slid against the hallway floor. I landed on my back. As I got up, I saw giant alligators! I soon realized they were Tenzo and Takuro. They had both tripled in size and were almost touching the ceiling standing up on two legs.

"Don't you dare attack our master!" they said in sync. Suddenly, they dashed forward with fangs ready to rip into my flesh. But, you know what? To hell with them! I ran up to both of them and raised my arms.

"Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!" I shouted. I swiped at both of them and sent them flying towards the ceiling. Suddenly, they crashed through and light penetrated my eyes. I raised my arm to shield from the light, but that was a mistake. Azazel took this opportunity to attack me. He sent me back a few feet, but I recovered quickly.

"You bastard!" I shouted. In a fit, I ran up and tried to punch him, but I kept missing and hit the wall. It really angered me. "Hold still!"

"You won't be able fight me like that!" he stated. I knew he was right. But, then I noticed the hole that I sent Tenzo and Takuro out earlier. If there was light, that meant outside! I ran away from Azazel while he shouted protests in the background. I jumped up through the hole and sure enough, I met sky, wind, sun, and light. I immediately backed away from the hole and prepared to attack the sick psycho, if he came up.

I waited and waited. But, he never came up. Did he run away? No, someone like him wouldn't run away so easily. But, he wouldn't be above me, and I can't hear any sign of life beneath me. Tenzo and Takuro aren't here on the roof, so that only leaves... The sides. Almost as soon as I realized that, something whooshed across my face. I only dodged in mere seconds. The thing landed and imbedded itself in the ground beside me. It was a black kunai knife. I turned to the source and saw a figure covered in black. It was Azazel.

"Impressive, young one. It's true I specialize in potions, but I was also trained in ninja techniques as a child! Prepare to die!" he shouted.

"Like hell I'm gonna die right now!" I shouted back. "I'm gonna make you pay! For the people you hurt! For the ones who forced! For everyone you tricked! For Gray! For Levy! For all the ones you made suffer! I will defeat you or my name isn't Natsu Dragneel! I won't die because I have friends to help and protect! I'm going to live, in the name of Fairy Tail! And I will never forgive you! Dragon Slayer Secret Arts! Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!" His eyes suddenly flinched and froze.

"N-no! Wait!" Azazel shouted. "I can make up for it! Just- Argh!!!" There was a flurry of flames, and he fell unconscious. I looked down at his body. He was knocked out cold. Damn, did I overdue it again?

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