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I've changed this and that over the years and they're turning out to impact me in bigger ways than I realized. I've become more social and less guarded. More friendly and less negative. More optimistic and less of a sloth.
Oh yeah. Did I mention I was a sloth? Okay so, there was this one guy who came up to me and it took me like an hour to turn around. It was an award winning record for me. At first, I didn't hear him coming and then he slowly said "H-e-l-l-o." He was so sweet for the last five minutes of our visit when I was finally fully turned around. 
There was also this leaf that found me while I was sleeping. I think I ate it and went back to sleep. I have no clue if it might have just been a dream and I'm really starving right now.
I'm glad you got to know a little bit as my life as a sloth. Go and read some more!

Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora