Dare 5 pt. 1

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I got ready for this dare. I let Lonnie and Jay stay together for a week and go on a few dates.

Caliyah and Mal probably think I'm dead because I haven't given a dare in a week. On the plus side, Mal got close to Ben. So close that they share a room together.

I'm sorry babes but you will need to split up. I smiled wickedly.

So many ways to he wicked, baby!

I texted Caliyah and got out my iPad. Let's get started.

Nobody's POV~

Caliyah looked at her phone as she heard a ding. She was currently eating an omelette for breakfast.

The piece of food in her mouth fell as she saw the text.

'Hello babe, I'm back, I have a dare for all of you girls! Meet up somewhere, where the boys can't hear the dare -The Truth or Dare giver <3'

Caliyah texted her friends and ditched her food. (My baby! Never ditch food!)

All the girls met up in Mal's room and waited for the dare.

Caliyah's ringtone of "Let it Go" was heard in the pink room. She pressed the accept button and put it in speaker.

"Hello my darlingssss! Well, Caliyah and MaryAnn don't have to participate in this because they are Single. Your next dare is that all of you girls will need to break up and avoid your boyfriends for as long as you can. No looking, speaking, or getting back together or your out. Last one standing can get back together and have the whole day with their beloved lover. bbgcarson made this dare, thank her. The two single ladies, you will be hanging out with the other females and making sure their lovers leave them alone. Bye, babes! Muuaahhh!" The Truth or Dare giver ended off making a kiss sound.

Lonnie stared in disbelief. Jane looked heartbroken, as was Evie. Audrey was frustrated. Lastly, Mal broke down.

She looked at the ring Ben gave her and stared at Evie.

"I just got with Jay!" Lonnie yelled.

"Chad and I also just got back together!" Audrey pointed out.

"E, I don't know how this will work" Mal said sadly.

Caliyah and MaryAnn held symphony for the girls. They felt guilty.

"Girls, lets be strong. We can do this. Caliyah and I will be there for you all" MaryAnn grabbed Caliyah's hand and looked at the others. They nodded slowly and took a few breaths.

Everybody went their separate ways. Mal went to Ben's office slowly.

"Mal?" Ben stood up confused, seeing his lover's expression wanted to know what's wrong.

"Ben... I... we..." Mal sobbed a little and stared at her beast.

"I'm breaking up with you..."

Ben stood there shocked. He stepped closer to her but she stepped back.

"M-Mal? What did I do wrong?" Mal shook her head. "It's not you...."  Mal left the office and went straight to her old dorm room.

She loved her beast....

When Evie broke it off, her and Doug got into a fight. Doug kept asking who she was seeing as she denied. She finally left and ran to her old dorm room.

Audrey had to leave behind a crying Chad and Lonnie had to leave a confused Jay. Jane had to rum, crying, not wanting to see the face of her Carlos.

Everybody huddled up in Mal and Evie's old dorm. Some crying and some thinking that they can do this.

Caliyah got another phone call as her ringtone filled the room. She pressed accept and put to on speaker, knowing who it is.

"Good job girllllss! Now, I am watching twenty-four seven and will know what will happen. If I catch you doing the things you're not supposed to do, you will get a text message from me. Now let the games.... BEGIN!" She hung up.

Everybody stated at each other and nodded.


Who enjoyed this? I did! bbgcarson, some of the girls probably dislike you or hate you. I mean, look at Mal! Lonnie just got with Jay! And Audrey got back with Chad after the Catillion. I also feel bad for Jane. Nice mind (:

Keep commenting. I will use you Truths or Dares after part 2 is done. Or, if I have a. part 3, then after part 3.

I Just updated "The Alpha's Rogue" and will have another update tomorrow because we already reached the vote count xD

If there are errors then ignore it. I will edit it when I'm on a computer.



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