Ch 6 - Thor Wentworth

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He completed the obstacle with four minutes to spare, breaking his own record. His peers watched him with awe and with the respect they knew he deserved. Thor Wentworth was someone who they knew shouldn't be messed with, and try as they may, they couldn't get him to come back to the organization.

He was however still welcome to train with them.

"I don't know what's stressing you out, but I know for sure that it has nothing to do with tonight," Scott said as he handed him a towel.

"I don't know either. I'm just on edge today," Thor admitted.

Scott sighed, reaching one conclusion. "You know that she's going to be there. He reserved their seats."

"I know," Thor mumbled.

And he wasn't particularly thrilled about the situation.

It had been sixty seven days since he'd last spoken to her, and a part of him hated that he'd actually kept count. He could remember the anger he felt when he saw an article on the two of them, looking 'happy as ever', or at least that's what the article claimed.

And he hated that he knew better.

He'd never really seen her happy before, but he'd seen a vulnerable side to her. He knew what her eyes looked like with emotion in them, and what he saw in the pictures were the blank eyes of a woman who he knew wasn't happy.

Except there was nothing that he could do if she wanted to stay in that situation.

Instead he threw himself into his work. He'd exceeded the expectations of his clients so much so that they were honouring him that night. The event was a masquerade ball, and the host and their highest paying client Duke Specter, told him that there would be a surprise for him at the event.

He didn't bother asking too many questions about it.

"How's the Sullivan project going?" Scott asked as they left the training facility.

"It's actually the one project I've enjoyed working on this year. Joseph has some pretty cool ideas for this building," Thor replied.

"Remind me again why we're offering him free design services and only charging him half the money for construction," Scott requested.

Thor sighed. "I already know what you're going to say, so don't bother. I'll cover half the cost if need be."

"I get that he's her best friend, but there's another reason why you're doing this. That's the part I want to know about," Scott pushed.

"Let it go Scott," Thor said through gritted teeth.

"So I'm right then? This isn't just about him being Astrid's best friend?" Scott asked.

Thor shook his head. "It isn't."

"And does he know?" Scott questioned.

"I don't think he even knows that I know Astrid on any kind of level, let alone why I'm really helping him," Thor responded.

"I hope for your sake that it isn't something that will blow up in your face," Scott commented.

"That makes two of us," Thor said, ending the conversation.

It was only eleven in the morning, and after six gruesome hours of working out and going through the obstacle at the training facility, Thor wanted nothing more than to just rest. He was intent on having a lazy day until the masquerade ball.

He and Scott parted ways, each heading to their apartments after agreeing to meet up at six. The event was starting at eight, but they needed to head out a little earlier. Thor settled for taking a blasting hot shower first to unlock his muscles.

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