Ch 7 - You Let Me Go Back

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"How can no one find her? It's been more than a fucking week!"

Raymond listened as his security team tried to explain that they couldn't find Astrid. He'd last seen her on the night of the masquerade ball, and nine days had passed since then. He hadn't even seen her leave his side, which is what frustrated him more.

On top of the hotel having no footage of her anywhere since the hotel's security for that night was conveniently messed with.

A part of him suspected that it had to do with the owner of the SUV that had picked her up on that night back at the restaurant. He hadn't seen the owner of the car, but with how quickly his wife had responded, he knew that she knew who the man was.

And it didn't sit well with him knowing that she was possibly having an affair.

It would definitely be karma getting back at him, but he thought that they were in a good place. She had just agreed for them to adopt, so he wasn't sure what could possibly be the reason behind her disappearance.

He wasn't ready to start thinking of the worst possible scenario.

"Do you want chocolate or vanilla?"

"I don't know."

"Do you want both?"

"Would you judge me if I said yes?"

"A whole lot."

"Well then fuck you."

Thor laughed a little as he put a chocolate and a vanilla cupcake on the plate, before putting it on the tray. He poured the boiling water in the cup before stirring the sugar in. She watched him silently, enjoying how his back muscles flexed.

"Here you go," he said, handing her the tray.

"Do these finally come with the answer to my question?" she asked, accepting it.

"No," he replied.

"Does this count as kidnapping? I feel like it does," she pointed out.

He smirked. "A kidnapper wouldn't even think of giving you luxurious cupcakes. Seriously, those are some of the most expensive cupcakes I've ever bought."

"Where did you buy them?" she questioned.

"You're not going to find out where we are Annalise, so you may as well quit while you're ahead," he teased.

"It's been over a week though. I don't have some exciting life to get back to, but you do," she pointed out.

"I can work from here too. I work every time you take a nap," he argued.

"But I don't understand why I'm here to begin with," she countered.

He sighed, standing up to walk over to the sliding door. "The thought of you going back to Raymond while you're pregnant with my child unsettles me."

"And so what? You're going to keep me here as your prisoner for nine months?" she asked.

He scowled, turning to face her. "Prisoner? You see yourself as a prisoner?"

"What else am I supposed to see myself as? And don't even think about mentioning the fact that we've had great food and you've gotten me clothes. I'm just a prisoner living in luxury. Come to think of it, this is exactly like my marriage," she commented.

That hit him hard.

"I had no idea you felt that way," he mumbled, turning back to look outside.

She sighed, putting the tray on the side table so that she could leave the bed and join him over at the door. "We've been here for over a week. All you've done is feed me and make sure that I'm well rested. You barely talk to me, you avoid any kind of physical contact with me, and you're still treating me like I did something wrong. My marriage was exactly like this."

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