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Life has a way of showing us what matters the most and what doesn't and we often turn a blind eye on things that really matters to us and focus on things of this world. We get stuck trying to keep up with what people are doing, we lose ourselves our values and morals. We would rather focus on our bank balances and try to come up with ways to make money in order to keep up with the world. We lose friends, our partners our family members only because we put money first and everything else last. It's not really our fault. The world has always been like that.

When you get into a relationship you wanna know how financialy stable your partner is. You need somebody to take care of you financialy is it wrong?. I mean you may love the person but would you still love that person if it wasn't for the money?. Would you still be there if and when the person loses everything except the love that they have for you?. Because before you said "I love you too" his bank balance made it easy for you to outer those words.

Loving somebody means putting each and every little thing of this world aside and not focus on the physical aspect of a person but who the person really is inside. You strip the person till you finally have their heart in your hands close enough to see and understand just how much they love you or should I say until you understand the depth of the love that they have for you. You love them not because of what they have but because of what they have done to show you that you matter. You could point out things that they have bought for you to prove to people just how much your partner loves you but all you can think of is the wonderful memories that you had together, waking up beside each other, your partners smile and how they make you feel by just looking at you. You love them for who they are not because of what they have. Your only fear is losing them one day not what you will do if they lose what they have one day.

Let's not confuse the two it's either you love somebody or you love what the person has. 

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