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Miley raced out of the elevator pushing herself around Wanda who eyed her with confusion softly saying her name in which Miley ignored. She reached Tony's office door raising her hand knocking on it.

"Tony it's me." Miley croaked before the door opened revealing Tony. After he opened the door, Miley invited herself in making her way around him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Sure, come in!" Tony cocked up an eyebrow and closed the door.

"Tony do you have a file of me?" Miley asked ignoring his comment.

"I printed out what your mother gave me, yes, why?" Tony walked around his desk and sat down on the office chair.

"I want to know what I'm capable of again, I need a refresh." Miley didn't sound convincing which threw Tony off. She felt stupid, she knew he was smart and here she was trying to pull off a lie.

"I thought you already knew what you're capable of." Tony played with his pen, "You seemed rather confident in knowing what you could do when we first met. Is that really the reason?"

Miley bit her lip trying to think of another excuse, "I just...it's been so long Tony. With school, with hanging out with Peter, with saving the city. I've easily forgotten is all. I'm frustrated with myself that I've forgotten things about myself. I know I'm able to do more and I don't even know where to start."

"So?" Tony set down his pen folding his hands onto his desk in front of him.

"So, I want to see my abilities and write them down or just get another copy printed. I can mark which I know I can do and have the capability in doing and mark what I need to learn." Miley mentally high fives herself thinking of a clever excuse. Tony nodded before reaching over to his side picking up a folder and then dropped it on the desk in front of Miley.

"Everything about you that your mother has provided for me or I've observed." He informed as Miley leaned over the desk grasping the folder to open it. She inspected the folder seeing a picture of her and all of her abilities listed that she's seen thousands of times before. What caught her eye was a slip attached to her file by a paper clip. It had numbers on it. Continuing to play the act, she moved her eyes away from the slip and to her abilities.

"May I have a printed copy?" Miley asked Tony who briefly nodded his head.

"Hand me your file." He requested and Miley pretended to act interested in Tony's suit turning her head at it.

"Wish I knew how to make advanced machinery like you." She admired and Tony turned his head at his suit nodding his head proudly.

"It wasn't easy, all the hard work payed off in the end." Tony hummed as Miley grabbed the slip attached from her file putting it in her pocket before Tony noticed.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Miley pretended nothing happened handing him her file and he grabbed it. After a few minutes, he printed it out as they talked about school.

"What about your research paper? What are you doing it on?" Tony asked handing her the printed file before putting the real one back in the folder and setting with the rest of the files.

"Some lady named Marie Hoag." Miley's eyebrows jumped as she looked at the printed file.

"She's not just some lady kid, anyways, don't lose that file. I mean it. Now is that all you needed?" Tony leaned back in his chair waiting for a response.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks Tony." Miley turned her body grabbing the handle nervously.

"Wait." She heard Tony say and turned her body towards him.

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