Chapter 11

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They arrived at the gate and Jasmine opened it for everyone and headed to the nearest bunker, so the dogs could sleep with them. They all had a quick snack of beef jerky, and then went to sleep. When they emerged from the bunker it was a little past noon and they made their way to the home tree. About halfway there Jasmine started to notice that Katrina would glance at her for a moment only to look back at the ground quickly.

"Katrina," she said quietly, "Is something bothering you? You seem to be looking at me an awful lot."

Katrina didn't look up from the ground but said, "It's nothing."

Jasmine looked at her skeptically, "are you sure? You can tell me."

Katrina nodded.

"Hmm.... if you need anything, you can talk to me, okay?"

she nodded again. The rest of the walk was taken up by a comfortable silence. When they got there Jasmine threw open the door and ran up the stairs, only to run into Nathan.

"Woah, Sis. Mom was sending me out to get you guys. Did you find any survivors?"

The rest of the group made it to the top of the stairs.

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