Imagine for Sammy

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"What was I thinking when I decided to come here?"

You ask yourself, pushing past the wasted bodies of drunk teens around you. This was definitely a different surrounding for someone of the low-key side like yourself, but nonetheless you came along with your friends for as they said 'the enjoyment'. But in all honesty you saw no enjoyment in the situations folding out before you in fact y-

"Oof, I'm sorry!" You apologize quickly, to a rather tall fellow you had accidentally ran into whilst lost in thought. "I wasn't really paying attention!"

"It's fine love." He assures you, a puff of smoke escaping his lips as he inhales a cigarette. "No problem at all.." He continues, a small smirk playing his perfectly carved features as he takes a good look at you, licking his lips. "So, tell me babe, what's your name?"

"It's uh, S-Sammy." You tell him insecurely, pushing back a lose strand of hair.

"Sammy?" He nods. "Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl." He winks, causing the hand of embarrassment to paint a brilliant shade of pink along your cheeks.

"Wh-what's your name?" You ask him, watching his lips part as he speaks.

"Luke." He states simply, before holding out his hand to you swiftly, an alluring smile playing his lips. "Well then Sammy? (gah, this line reminds me of Supernatural) how about we go live a little?" He asks you, watching your head nod hesitantly before placing your dainty hands in his, allowing him to whisk you to the dance floor, the beat of 'Holy Grail' filling the enclosed home.


"I actually had a lot of fun tonight!" You laugh, watching Luke's crystal blue eyes crinkle as he smiles over at you.

"That's great!" He shouts, a little to loud for the smaller car. "I'm glad, it's always good to let lose once in a great while!"

"Yeah.." You sigh, smiling over at him, eyes directly focused into his.

"Mmm..." He mumbles in agreement, leaning closer to cup your cheek, eyes searching for any rejection, before placing a soft kiss to your lips, then another, and then many more to follow.

Leading to one hell, of a night.

So, I got leave school early, because I texted my grandpa saying "I'm not really up for the rest of the day... could you pick me up?" and he said "Sure, be there in about five minutes!"

Best grandpa ever, I swear.

Oh, also to Sammy! Sorry it's not exactly like you asked for it, but I tried to go to as close to it as I could with this idea!

Skylar xx

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