30-day kagepro challenge

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day 1 - otsukimi recital
day 2 - mekakushi code
day 3 - jinzou enemy
day 4 - Seto or Kano. I've just always liked them more :p
day 5 - Kido, and idk where to begin on the why xD
day 6 - setokano all the way.
day 7 - kanoshin, kidomomo (but I get jealous of momo so it bugs me)
day 8 - Ayano, she's the perfect older sister
day 9 - Kano or Ene. I have this friend named Yam (cover image) and I like to photoshop him and poke fun at him, and I feel like Kano and I would have a lot of fun with that xD
day 10 - none really, but the closest would probably be Ene or Kido
day 11 - Kano, Ene, or Seto
day 12 - Kido. she seems pretty efficient
day 13 - any of them who hate shopping bc I do to and we'd never have to go xD but Momo seems like a shopper, so maybe her.
day 14 - I've cosplayed as Kido, Ene, Mary, and female Shintaro, and I've made cosplays for my friends of Momo and Hiyori. but one that I haven't that I've wanted to cosplay for awhile is Kano.
day 15 - deceiving eyes. I'm terrible at hiding my emotions, and I find that it would be an overall useful power.
day 16 - any of the really upbeat ones
day 17 - summertime record, Ayano's theory of happiness, and gunjou rain.
day 18 - the anime versions of mekakushi code and yobanashi deceive, and the teddyloid version of outer science (skipping to 1:18 tho)
day 19 - well they've all had quite a bit thrown at them, but I'd say the ones who seem the most affected would be Kano or Shintaro.
day 20 - Ayano, she's such a good role model
day 21 - Kido, Seto, or Kano.
day 22 - ^
day 23 - I feel like Shintaro would really hate my guts :I
day 24 - idk ;A;
day 25 - high school, soulmates
day 26 - haruka & takane, kido & kano, any of the most common ships
day 27 - all :)
day 28 - Mary, bc setokano is my otp and setomary is my notp
day 29 - all of them, they're my precious children
day 30 - need I explain?

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