50 questions

6 1 0

1. (no)
2. scorpio
3. dying, bleeding in odd places, tight spaces
4. dance, art, my friends
5. I have several best friends but my closest would be the one I've known since I was about 2 years old.
6. ...supermassive black hole
7. authenticity, kindness, understanding, some form of physical beauty
8. drug use, arrogance, racism/homophobia/transphobia/sexism/etc., profanity every 2 seconds
9. that's my business
10. 2 piercings on each ear lobe
11. *wattpad, but it was bc I like writing and my friend was reading a wattpad story to me once
12. tired
13. the person I like
14. crushing (single)
15. weeb name, will likely change it
16. I don't like movies very much
17. all songs by pvris
18. pvris, but I also like p!atd, tøp, mcr, etc. even tho I don't listen to them much anymore
19. inequality, harshness, ap world
20. dance, my friends, daydreaming
21. see #7. they also just have to strike me as someone I want to be with
22. Mei Mei :(
23. the people I love know who they are
24. excellent, literally no rough bumps in my home life
25. Christmas
26. I don't talk to people on here
27. (see above)
28. ???
29. when people act like 5th graders, flakiness, people purposely doing something that I said was annoying/I didn't like
30. cat
31. 2 dogs, my parents don't want cats & my dogs would kill it
32. that something isn't bothering me (I hate pity)
33. ap world
34. the other day I bumped into a branch on the Christmas tree in a classroom and broke an ornament. the preps just gave me the "you're pathetic and tryna decide if I should laugh or cringe" face. and then my friend yelled what I did outside in front of about 100+ kids haha
35. school
36. the person I like, dance, fantasies
37. skin picking, tap dancing, chewing gum
38. (insert various dance moves/acro tricks I want to learn how to do)
39. person I like, dance, fictional characters, possible storylines if they weren't kinda embarrassing
40. target? idk I hate shopping
41. pizza, chocolate, most desserts, fruit
42. school, dance
43. dance, art, writing
44. classic dinner/movie night. it has to feel like a date to me.
45. it's not a full blown crush but the closest to that rn would be Lynn Gunn
46. (no)
47. mbti/niche meme pages
48. 0, I don't want my kid to suffer some of the things I hate about myself
49. no
50. ask me anything!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2017 ⏰

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