A Stranger

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butch's POV

as walked down the street I notice buildings, house. destroyed and wrecked. people trying to find food and shelter.

as I walked farther I notice people stared to stare at me I guess it was because I was wearing nice clothes and didn't look dirty.

I started to walk fast but then some thing caught my eye. a girl with short hair but that's not what caught  my eye it was the rose she had on her back she was in that team of killers but she didn't look evil.

 it looked like she was helping a little girl. but that wasn't the point if I wanted to find buttercup I need to do everything possible to find her. so I ran up to the two girls

"hey you! do you know anything about the power puff girls" I yelled the little girl's face turned pale while the other girl turned around to look at me. she looked so familiar


" holy shit run!" she screamed as she grabbed the little girl and started running I quickly ran after her she did a lot of turns and jumped over stuff I almost couldn't catch up to her but she seemed to be hurt .

when I thought I was finely going to catch up to her she freaking threw a brick at me it hit me in the stomach I was to out of breath a could catch up to her

" DAMN IT" I yelled as I stood up I need to find  brick and boomer I need to tell them that I found the Power puff girls or at least buttercup but its a start !

boomer's POV

as we where driving the car suddenly stop I wasn't wearing a seat belt so I fell forwards

"what the hell why did you stop" I yelled at the driver

"because if you didn't you would've of hit me " said butch jumping in to the car 

"yeah why did you stop" said brick turning to the driver

" wow I'm offended you would've killed you're own brother" said butch putting his hand on his chest trying to look offended

" well you're life really doesn't matter to me" said brick

" ah but it will because I found the power puff girls"

" what really!" I yelled excited

"yeah I found them" said butch looking proud

" if you found them where are they?" said brick

" I...I don't know" said butch

" really butch" I said annoyed

" but I have an idea of where we can look for them" said butch

" where?" said brick looking at butch

" the lab" 

I am not her ! A Ppgz x Rrbz storyWhere stories live. Discover now