Wonderfuly meeting with my friends

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Tomarow is when I meet with my friends. M and Izzy. Uricorn doesn't know about M because she is Erudite till our choosing cerimony. She is going to transfer to Dauntless even Max knows it. Uricorn says Izzy is my personal attachment. I hate him. Yesterday he told Mom about the chasm thing, mom was crying for hours. I eventually got grounded. For a month I can only punch punching bags or go to the cafeteria. Four is still my 'bodyguard' as Uricorn calls it. Me and Izzy and Four are hanging out in the Caf.

"Omg I still can't believe my Trissy is dating a Stiff and it's been like a week, does M know?" Izzy whispers the last part.

"Yes she knows I texted her when I told you and you don't have to whisper Four knows about M."

"Oh...." She glares at him. "Well still."

"Everyone in Dauntless doesn't know except Uricorn, you, me, and Four..... Everyone knows bout the body guard thing."

"Uuuuuh Tris your brother just walked in with Uricorn." Four says standing up. I jump up and run to him giving him a bear hug.

"You weren't supposed to leave for another 3 days!" I say through happy tears.

"I heal fast." He says smiling. I break down.

"Z-zeke I'm so s-sorry.... You w-wouldn't have to heal f-fast if it w-weren't for me." I'm on my knees balling. He starts stroking my head.

"It's ok Trissy-Poo it's ok."

"No it's not!" I get up and run with Izzy on my tail. The last thing I hear before I leave is Uricorn's voice screaming.

"Four! Make sure she doesn't try to jump again." Then Izzy stops me.

"Hey, hey, I'm here it's ok it's ok" she says as she raps me in a bear hug. Only she and M can calm me down. Best friends forever. (TWFF)

"If only you were here when she tried to jump." Four says from down the hall. I make sure no one is in the hall and break away from Izzy. I run to him and imediatly press my mouth to his.

"Uuuh Tris your brother." Izzy says

"My brother what and who."

"Zeke he watched you kiss Four" my eyes go wide. I slowly turn and see Zeke, he is clearly pissed.

"Tris Alaina Pedrad....." Omg he is waaaaay more than pissed. "What the hell were you thinking."

"Zeke I-uuuuuh......."

"Save it........ Four I thought we were friends!" He storms over to me and practically rips my ear of dragging me away.

"God Zeke it's just a kiss and without him being there for me this last week they'd be pulling me out of the Chasm!" Not true if it wasn't for him AND my friends I'd be dead.

"Really and has this relationship- knowing you- gone passed just kissing?!"

"What the Fuck Zeke. I was a Virgin. You really think of me as a slut!" His face changes.

"Oh my God Trissy-Poo that's not what I meant"

"Oh?! So 'knowing you' doesn't mean knowing you and how you sleep with everybody .............. You know your a Bastard."

I run no matter what he screams he called me a slut I don't know were to go but I can't go home or to the Caf. I then see Izzy running towards me.

"We need to get to the train now or we will miss it."


"Trissy what's wrong" she asked

"You won't believe me."

"Yes I will"

"Fine ........ Zeke he....."


"He called me a slut."

"WHAT!!!!!!" I swear she is growling.

"Tris I didn't say you were a slut." Zeke finally caught up with us.

"Yah you kinda did"

"What did he say" Izzy asked

"I quote 'Really and has this relationship- knowing you- gone passed just kissing'"

"Zeke you bastard you did call her a slut" Izzy yelled.


"what's this about slut I hear" Omg it's Eric

"Zeke called Tris a slut" Izzy states. "But really it's none of your business"

"What ever" he says while walking away. He seemed drunk. Then I hear my phone go off. I look at it. It's Uricorn.

Hay can you come home everyone's worried- U

Yah I'd be happy to leave Zeke to be the Bastard that he is good now I just wanna die- T

What the hell happened- U

Zeke called me a slut- T


I have only been with one person- T

Then I realized I just told Uricorn that I've had sex. Omg

WHAT!!!!🔪😬- U



He is no going to die- U

No he isn't bc I love him- T

I am telling Mom to get you on birth control- U

I am XD- T

Not funny- U

Did I forget to mention that I know about you and Mars little rondavue- T

I hate you- U

Luv you to bro- T

I put my phone away.

"Izzy talk to you tomorrow...... Zeke be lucky if I ever talk to you again." And just like that I am off to go home.


Trissy Born Dauntless [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ