Chapter 1

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   Saturday morning you woke up. You heard your alarm clock ringing. You didn't want to have to get up out of your warm bed but the ringing was giving you a headache, so you got up to turn it off. You got out of your pajamas and put on some back ripped jeans with a grey crop top and put your hair in a messy bun since it was mess. You walked downstairs to see your mom and little sister at the table eating break fast. Your sister Grace ran up to you and gave you a big hug. You picked her up and squeezed her. You loved Grace, she was so bubbly and always made you happy. "Hey sissy!" She said. "Good morning Gracie Wacie." (That was your pet names for Grace) "Hey mom." You said as well. "Good morning, geez do you think you slept long enough?" Said your mom. You looked at the clock on the wall to see it was 1:30 pm. "Shit!" You said. You realized you hadn't taken your dog Baby on a walk today. You put on your Converse and took Baby for a walk. Baby saw a bird and ran after it. Your hand slipped off the leash. Baby went running into someone's backyard. You realized that was the new neighbors house. "Fuck!" You thought to yourself. You knew the new neighbors would hate you. You were frantic to try and call Baby but she wouldn't listen. She wasn't a good listener so you had to climb the fence to try and catch her. You were wandering around the yard looking for her. You got down on your hands and knees and looked underneath the porch, but she wasn't there. You were starting to freak out. You were crawling around when you saw 2 feet right in front of you. You looked up to see a young boy holding Baby. About your age, 17. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. My hand slipped off her leash and I was trying to find her." You said. "Oh, it's fine. My names Ethan by the way." Said the boy. "I'm Eden. This probably isn't the best way for me to introduce myself. Sneaking  into your backyard." You say embarrassed. Ethan laughs. "It's cool. We should hang out sometime." "Yea, sounds good." You give Ethan your number and he gives you his. "Oh, here's your dog back." He says laughing. "Yea, don't wanna lose her again." "Well I guess I'll see you around." "Yea, call me anytime." "Can do, bye." "Bye." You were happy you met the new neighbor. He was actually pretty hot. A lot better than most boys in your neighborhood. The way his hair was flipped up in the front and had a colored streak through it. His hazel eyes.  His smile. He was perfect. You walked home smiling the whole way. You walked inside and your mom asked you why you looked so happy. "No reason." You walked right up to your room and threw yourself on you bed. "What a day."

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