Chapter 2

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   It was Sunday morning. You woke up and saw that Ethan had texted you last night. You were really tired so you had fallen asleep before you could read them. You turned on your phone and read the texts.

"Hey Eden, just wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow. I'll be at the mall with my brother at about 1:00. Hope to see you there😉"

You looked up at your clock to see it was 12:44. "Shit. I gotta hurry." You put on some concealer and mascara. You knew you were gonna be late anyway so you took some extra time to curl you hair and add some final touches to your makeup. You also found the perfect outfit, you didn't look like you were trying too hard but you also didn't look like you didn't give a shit. (The outfit at the top is what you decided to wear.) You got in your car and headed to the mall. You forgot to text Ethan and tell him you were here but you figured you find him eventually. You thought you'd check to see if he was in Zumies since that's a store a lot of your friends went in. You walked to Zumies and saw Ethan. He was wearing a black and white Adidas shirt with some black ripped jeans and all black superstars. He had his hair done, it was flipped up in the front and it looked perfect. "Hey, you made it!" "Yea, I did." He gave you a hug and smiled. God he gave the best hugs and his smile was so gorgeous. He asked,"So, what do you wanna do? Oh! I almost forgot, this is my twin brother Grayson." "Oh cool, hey Grayson.", you replied. Grayson and Ethan looked a lot alike but you thought it was pretty easy to tell them apart. Ethan's hair was longer and more messy but in a good way, while Grayson's was more slicked back. Grayson was also a little bit taller than Ethan, so that also helped tell them apart. You suggested to go look for clothes in some stores. Ethan and Grayson said that was fine. First you decided to go to Sephora. You needed to get some new makeup since you had basically used all of what you had. As soon as Ethan and Grayson walked in they looked really confused. Grayson went over to look at cologne while Ethan went to look at the skin care. He didn't really know what any of the stuff was. Some lady there decided to help him. You walked around and tried to find some more of your favorite concealer in your shade. You kept looking but they didn't have it. You went looking for Ethan and eventually found him in the back. The lady that worked there had put this bright purple Tatcha mask all over his face. He looked ridiculous. She even went and put eye masks under his eyes. "What are you doing?", you asked laughing. "What? I just wanted to be pampered.", he said. You shook your head and went to find Grayson. You found him asking one of the ladies there for a sample of some crazy expensive cologne. You went up to him and tried to start a conversation with him. You felt kinda bad because he seemed shy and you were pretty much just talking to Ethan the whole time. "Hey.", you said. "Oh, hey.", he replied. "Sorry we didn't really get a proper introduction, I'm Eden.", you said in polite and sweet voice. "Cool, good to meet you.", he said in a shy sounding voice. You wanted to try and make him feel more comfortable, so you went to find Ethan and said you'd be right back. You went in the back and saw that Ethan had just finished his spa treatment. You asked him if he was ready to go, he said yea. You went to get Grayson and tried to find more stores to go in. You three walked around for about 2 hours until there was really nothing else to do. You all were really tired and ready to go home. Ethan didn't want you to drive home by yourself, but he didn't trust Grayson to drive his new Jeep, so Grayson drove home with you. You were really tired, so Grayson asked if you wanted him to drive. You told him that would be great. You sat in the passenger seat while Grayson drove you home. He didn't know where you lived, so he asked and got no answer. He took a quick glance toward you and saw that you were asleep. He didn't want to wake you up, so he called Ethan and asked him if he knew where your house was. He said he did, so Grayson followed Ethan's directions and eventually ended up at your house. When he got to your house, he pulled into your driveway and saw Ethan waiting in his car. Grayson looked over again and saw you were still asleep. He tried to wake you up, but it was no use, you were out for the count. He didn't really know what to do, so he picked you up and went to knock on your door. Ethan went to the door as well. Your mom answered the door and the twins introduced themselves. While they were talking you woke up a little. You looked up and saw Grayson's face. You didn't really realize how adorable he was until that moment. You also didn't know that he was strong enough to carry you, but it seemed as if he was holding you with no trouble at all. Your mom invited them inside for some water. Your mom was busy talking to Ethan, so Grayson snuck up the stairs and went into your room. He lied you down on your bed, careful not to wake you. He sat beside you for a minute before you opened your eyes. "Shit, did I wake you up?", he asked. "No, you didn't, it's fine.", you replied. "Thanks for taking me home.", you said to him. "It was my pleasure.", he said. "I'm gonna go.", he said. "No, don't leave yet.", you replied, sounding whiny. Grayson lied next to you. You put your head on his chest and started to drift back asleep. You could smell his cologne, it was so relaxing that it didn't even take 2 minutes before you were sound asleep once again.

   You woke up the next morning and rolled over toward him. You could still smell his cologne on your pillows. You stretched out your arm towards him and felt that he wasn't there. You could have sworn he was still there beside you, but he put a pillow behind your neck to fill the void his chest left. You were mad that you forgot to give him your phone number or ask for his. You carried on the rest of that day, wondering when you could see him again.

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