Chapter One

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I let out a cry, I crumple to the ground. I've had it with this, torture, excruciating pain constant horror. Fear of never going back. I'm finished. One last time, I will try one last time before I lose everything, my last dregs of hope.

I start to run, I don't know where, I. Just need to get away from here. Realizing how dire this situation is, I freeze, for one second, but in this maddened, horrified state of unconsciousness, one second could cost you much worse than your life. Utter and complete hell, forever, after earth is destroyed and my real body is rotting six feet under, I will still be feeling this. Paralysis spreads through me, I am still as stone, a scream still caught on my lips. Then I'm swallowed into nothingness, but nothingness is much better than my first experience with this torture. When I was twelve years old, I had fallen asleep, and never woke up. I've been forever trapped in nightmares, my life is fear and nothing else. I was dead to the world, I thought I was dead.

I am in hell, I had concluded

There could not be any more to it, I had suffered ever since the first midnight in this nightmarish world inside my mind. There had always been a sign, a terribly hollow sound of a gong, then the midnight blue roses, that is when hope eludes me, when I need it most. Reminiscing, it never helps when you're trapped inside your own demented, dark, horrifying mind, all you can remember is the times before, which were less terrifying then what was to come, and I always know it will get worse.

" PLEASE! Someone help me, please!" I screamed

Silence, as always.

I am the only soul being tortured here, no one else.

Tears brimmed in my eyes and I knew it was coming. The nothingness, hollowness will come back to me, but the fire everywhere is what really scares me.

I run as fast as I can, I see a doorstep, a farmiliar one? No matter, it was people, and as long as I am not alone, as long as I am not the only one to hear my cries of pain, I have hope.

It's getting darker, and I know what will be coming for me, in the shadows, lurking everywhere, stalking my every move is the darkest part of me, the part that engulfs all of my hope, that feeds on my fear.

I cry out in despair once I reach the doorstep, I lash out, begging this to be false. But of cource it is all too real, my finger nails start to bleed, as i'm clawing at the oak door, willing this not to be true as I scream in desperation.

There is one thing at this door. Half a dozen midnight blue roses.

I hear the most horrific sound in my life, a hollow gong.

"NO!" I scream, the little composure I had, I lost and am engulfed once more into pure hell.

Hope is worth nothing in a world like this, I am once again brought kicking and screaming into the only thing that I know is to come, pain. As I'm blacking out, the last thing I see is the haunting face of the figures that will bring me further into my madness. And then the roses, which makes it the Midnight Madness.

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