Chapter Four: Unforeseen Secrets

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"Wake up, sleeping beauty." Luca cajoled, caressing her cheek with a soft kiss.

Yawning, Emma's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of Luca's half naked body. Smiling, she could feel her cheeks burn with surprise. It wasn't a sight she was use to, but she couldn't help but stare. With the sunlight twinkling in through the curtains, Luca's tanned body was like an olympian god. She had to double check to make sure she wasn't drooling.

"What time is it?" She asked, pushing herself to a sitting position, her legs dangling over the side of the bed.

"Time for breakfast, m'dear. It's going to be a day full of surprises. Are you ready?" His excitement was contagious, causing a laugh too escape her lips.

"Let me get dressed and I will meet you downstairs." Emma replied, rising to her feet and heading towards the spacious walk-in-closet.

"I will help you get dressed." Luca smiled, following Emma into the closet.

"If it were up to you, I wouldn't be wearing anything at all." She teased back. Luca laughed because it was so true.

"At least let me help you pick out what you will be wearing. Then I will wait in the breakfast parlor." Luca proposed. "Promise." He stepped closer to Emma, wrapping her in his arms, kissing her gently on the nose.

"Oh, alright. But it's not like I brought my whole wardrobe with me." She said, crossing her arms in front of her chest and rolled her eyes as Luca sorted through the handful of clothes she had packed.

"This one." He said, pulling a thigh length dress off the rack. The beige, peasant style dress was one of Emma's favorite go-to dresses for comfort and still feeling sexy. Probably why she had brought it along with on her on the trip.

"Alright, now please let me get dressed. I won't be long." Emma reassured Luca as she pushed him out of the bedroom.

"There's a toll that needs to be paid before I admit defeat." He objected, standing stationary in the doorway.

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" Emma raised a brow. She had a pretty good idea, but decided to play along.

"A kiss, m'lady." He answered, sweeping out his arm, bowing before her.

"That seems like a high toll to pay." Emma questioned.

"High toll for such a high command." He countered, smirking playfully. Emma shook her head at his reasoning, but sighed wth a smile.

"Seems fair enough." She replied, leaning forward and placing a peck on his cheek.

"Hey! That's not a kiss." He argued.

"You gave no stipulations. Your loss. Now, let me get dressed." She said, laughing lightly at his disappointed look.

"You drive a hard bargain, Ms. des Rosier. But a deal is a deal." He fessed, winking at her before moving from the doorway and down the hallway.

Shutting the door behind him, Emma went back to the closet to change. The beige peasant dress hung off her shoulders, with slits in the sleeves reaching her elbows. Slipping on a pair of lace straw, wedge heels, the open toed sandals matched her dress, completing her look.

Throwing her sex hair into a bun, Emma crossed the room to the dresser. Picking up her favorite perfume, she dabbed some on her wrists, then rubbed her wrists against her neck. Satisfied, she opened the door to the bedroom and stepped out into the hallway. Making her way towards the curved staircase, a whispering male voice reached her ears a few feet away.

Emma frowned as she moved closer to the spare bedroom. His voice was low and gruff. She stopped outside the door, standing quiet. She wasn't sure who was in the spare bedroom, probably one of the staff, but the tone of his voice wasn't very comforting.

The Deal | Book 1 (The Heiress Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now