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Chris hardly looked at the contents of the envelope. Dan's right arm was thrown over his shoulder, Chris's arm around his waist as he helped him limp down the road. It was a good thing Chris was shorter than him, because it made him easier to lean on and use as a crutch.

He flicked through the pages, not even pulling them out of the envelope completely, although it wasn't easy with one hand. He slid them away and handed the envelope back to Dan to look after.

One leg of Dan's skinny jeans was rolled up, away from the swelling of his ankle. He still wore both shoes, but they were just as worn through as the both of them felt.

Still tired from his recent escapade, he wanted to take a break, there was a painful stitch in his side and he was still somewhat out of breath. But his fear, and Chris kept him going forwards.

They'd been jogging, or in Dan's case, hopping, for a while but Dan couldn't keep up with the pace so they'd had to slow down. Chris wasn't happy, but he had reason to be, seeing as they were being chased by people who had guns and had already shot at them after all.

Just like Chris had said, they'd shot through one of the tires, the small hole puncturing the tough material. Dan had leaned against the car whilst Chris had bent over to investigate.

Now as they moved along, every minute or so Chris kept reminding him that they were nearly at Will's. Dan wasn't sure whether Chris was trying to comfort him, or himself, but he suspected that it was both.

"Will, Will he said, he said he recognised one of, one of them." Dan breathed out. His skin felt heated from the exercise.

There was just a grim expression on Chris's face.

"It's that guy isn't it."

"What guy?"

"The one that owns the car place. He was making a, making a business agreement with, with Will."


"Why would he kill him then, if the, if it was going well?"

"He had a share in the profits." Chris trailed off as he guided Dan around a pot hole.

Well, at least if he didn't die, Dan would have a really strong left leg with all the hopping he was doing right now.

"He had a share, and he was gonna get Will's share once he left the company."

"Will was gonna leave the company?"

"Yeah. At first, but he changed his mind. That was the problem."

There were neat and tall bushes on Dan's left now, and if he looked up, he could see the solid white block that was Will's house in the near distance. They'd almost reached the drive. Chris wouldn't leave him to run and get Will's car to pick him up. Apparently leaving him wasn't a good idea.

"Oh. But then if he was already rich anyway, why would he kill him?"

"Greed." Chris huffed.

They rounded the driveway, and began to get closer and closer to Will's front door.

Chris's held up the yellow police tape which cordoned off the drive, reaching across the open gate. With difficulty, Dan was able to duck under and regain his balance, Chris quick to follow and return as support at his side.

Behind them the ghosts were silent.

The gravel digging into one foot was a painful experience for Dan. It reminded him of how desperately he needed to buy new shoes.

If he didn't die first. His thoughts were grim, and he also had no money, he didn't think of himself as pessimistic, more realistic, as there was a high chance that he was going to end up like Will, with a gunshot to the head, floating somewhere off the closest shore. It was an infinitely higher chance than when Will had first turned up at his flat too.

Chris propped him next to the door as he dug in his pockets, looking for Will's house key. The door swung inwards as he unlocked it, Chris wasted no time walking straight in, and Dan hobbled into Will's house behind him. He pushed the door as he went, and it shut with a satisfying click.

He put the envelope on the kitchen counter and headed for the nearest sofa, (because will had multiple sofas, another indication of his wealth and frivolous spending).

Not bothering to turn any lights on, Chris headed straight for Will's house phone.

"Check the news." He called to Dan, who immediately obeyed and flicked the television on.

It wasn't the current story, but on the reel underneath the news anchor read the line: body of missing CEOs girlfriend found.

Dan bit his lip and gulped. Anna was nice, she hadn't deserved this. No one in this situation really had. He wondered if Chris felt guilty too. With all of his unreasonable animosity towards Will's girlfriend.

There was a beep, and a static blip, as everything shut down. The television blurred and clicked, so did the home phone, as the electricity went out.

"Fuck." He whispered.


ooooooooooohhhhh, its gonna be a double updaaaate :))))))))))))) (theres 16 chapters overall so just be knowing that shit is about to go down...) 

- K xxx

(p.s. place ur bets, am I gonna kill a main character??? who knows :)

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