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The clock turns to 11:00.

Jacob should be home in an hour.

I really don't want to talk to Jacob. Who is this girl? Why did they go out to dinner? Why is he commenting hearts?

I walk up to my room. I go in my bathroom and take a shower. I do my night time routine. Once I finish I get in bed to go to bed.

Soon enough I'm asleep.


I wake up to sunlight coming in my room.

I grab my phone.

It's 8 in the morning.

I get up brush my teeth, fixing my hair up in a bun, and throwing on some workout leggings and a black sports bra with a zip up hoodie.

I walk down stairs.

I hear noise in the kitchen.

Must me Jacob.

"Jacob?" I yell out.

I make it in the kitchen.

Yep no it's not Jacob.

A tall model built blonde girl back faces me.

"Oh hello." I say surprised.

She turns around,"oh hi, are you Jacobs sister?"

It's that girl becca.

"Oh is that what Jacob told you?" I ask not answering her question.

"Yea he said his sister was staying here." She says.

"Oh well yea I'm his sister." I say fake smiling and puts my hand out for her to shake it.

She smiles and shakes my hand back.

"What's your name Jacob never told me." She says letting of my hand.

"Oh Kelly, kelly sartorius." I saw with a pause as I space out.

How could Jacob do this to me, he's so lucky I'm playing along. But he's so not getting away with this.

I snap out of my thoughts.

"Um I'm going to the gym, so could you let Jacob know that's where I'll be." I say as I grab my phone and keys.

She nods,"nice meeting you."

I fake smile and leaves.

I've been working out for about 40 minutes.

I decide to finish my last 20 minutes on the treadmill.

I put on my headphones and play my music.

At about 10 minutes in, the gym tvs turn on.

They're playing tmz.

I look to see what they are talking, just some boring drama.

I counting working out.

Once again I turn to the tv.

This time only seeing Jacob.

I take off my headphones to see what they are saying.

"So last night Jacob had an club opening, when he was leaving he was leaving with Instagram model becca." One of the tmz workers said.

They show pictures of the two of them walking out of the club hand in hand.

"This isn't the first time they were seen together, a while back they went to dinner." Anther says as they show pictures of the two of them walking in the groove.

"But the weird thing is, they arrived together. But she left earlier. And Jacob left with another girl." The same worker says.


I have so much on my mind I turn my music up and tries to run the problems out of me.


Jacob pov

I roll over to my bed as I stretch and wake up.

I get out of bed and brush my teeth. I hear noise downstairs.

It's problem just Kelly making breakfast.

My head was pounding from last night I had way to much to drink.

I throw on some sweatpants and a tank top.

"KELLY?" I yell as I walk down the stairs.

I walk into the kitchen, not to see Kelly.

"Oh um hi." I say as I lean against the wall.

"Hey baby boo." Becca says.

"Here's some food." She says as she places a plate of breakfast food in front of me.

"Thanks.." I say as I sit down.

"Oh um, your sister left to go to the gym." She says.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Sister?" I ask.

"Yea your sister Kelly." She says cleaning up the mess she made in the kitchen.

Oh my god.

"Um becca what happened last night?" I ask.

"Oh um I saw you at the club and we started to talk, I kissed you and you asked if I wanted to go to your house. We got here and we walked up stairs. You went in and checked on your sister, you kissed her forehead and said goodnight love you. Which I thought was a little weird. Then we went to your room, and sadly nothing happened. You told me that your sorry but you can't help but think of this
Girl." She says finishing cleaning.

Oh god, thank god.

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