The secret

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The next morning Veronica woke up with her arms rapped around Betty.

"Hey, B?" Veronica asked shaking the blonde girl. she got a groan in response, "are you up for school today or should we stay home all day?" The raven haired girl asked

"Let's go to school, I could use a distractions." Betty breathed out while turning to look at veronica. She pecked Veronica on the lips and got out of bed. On their way to school Veronica had no choice but to hold Betty's hand, to stop her from digging into her palms. They pulled up to the school when Veronica realized Betty was wearing all black. Veronica let out a laugh when she realized the shirt was hers.

"What's so funny?" Betty snapped

"Nothing just you wearing my shirt and I didn't notice till now." Veronica said flinging her arm around Betty. They walked into the school like they do everyday, except today all eyes were on them. The perfect girl next door that always wore color and always had a smile on her face, looked depressed and was wearing all black.

"Hey you two!" Archie yelled from down the hall breaking the awkward silence. Archie pulled Betty into a hug whispering in her ear "Did you take your medicine today?" Betty shook her head no and broke down in tears turning into Veronica's arms. Veronica quickly ushered her to a bathroom where she held Betty till the tears and the shaking stopped.

"What did he say to you Betty?" Veronica asked concerned

"He asked if I took my pills" Betty stated

"He know you take medicine?" Veronica asked

"Yeah he come over on time when I was off them and didn't know what to do to stop me, my mom came home like 5 minutes later and gave me my pills and Archie connected the dots from there." Betty sighed leaning into Veronica "we should get to class, but as soon as you leave my side the bad thoughts start again," Betty spoke into Veronica's shoulder. Veronica couldn't help but let a small smile spread across her face at the thought that she helps Betty. 

"Veronica, I love you," Betty spoke kissing Veronica on the cheek and walking out of the bathroom with Veronica trailing right behind her. lunch came and went quickly, Half way through 5th period the principal and sheriff Keller walked into writing.

"Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper, I need you two to come with us." Sheriff Keller spoke, the two girls stood and walked out the room with Kevin's dad.

"This morning when were patrolling the streets for teens trying to ditch school, we found Polly shot in the stomach three times, I am so sorry to tell you this." Sheriff Keller spoke and walked the two girls to the main office. Betty was hysterical barley able to walk putting almost all her weight on to veronica. Veronica held Betty as close as she could get her.

Betty and Veronica, Meant to beWhere stories live. Discover now