~19~(Good Ending)

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Victor's POV:

I'm rotting here in the cell, but I deserve that, after doing such a terrible thing to Yuuri. The policeman and detective are looking at me and went back to talking. Probably about me. Then the policeman pulls me out of the cell and wants to talk to me again. "Mister Nikiforov, I heard that you almost commited suicide. Can I ask why?", he asks me. Because of Yuuri, but I can't tell him that. "My life became meaningless and the guilt was overhelming ", I mumble. "Have you murdered more than these two people?" "Yes" "How many?" "More than 15 people" "And you didn't feel the guilt earlier?" "At first not, but after the last two I began to realise my disgusting crimes", I cringe at that sentence. "Did Mister Katsuki ever help you?" "No, he didn't" "That was it for now. In the next days, your trial will be held." I don't talk to him after that. I didn't even care what would happen to me, as long as Yuuri is safe and cared for. Will he watch the news about my trial and be happy? Maybe because I'm not in a gang or mafia, the policemen only comes when they give me my food.

~Few days later~

When is my fucking trial? I'm waiting here for 5 days and it's uncomfortable, because there is nothing else to do, I think of Yuuri, my angel. Suddenly a bomb exploded in the policestation, but not in dangerous near of my cell. "Hey my love, haven't seen you for to long" It can't be, is it Yuuri? "Yuuri is that you?", I ask skeptikal. "Yes, but now it's only me, the "darker" side" I began to cry of happiness. My angel came to get to me out. "Hurry love, the policemen will not be distracted for to long." Yuuri takes my hand and runs away with me.

~Few days later~

"The serial killer Victor Nikiforov escaped with the help of his accomplice Yuuri Katsuki. Mister Nikiforov is accused of murdering more than 15 people. On the day he escaped, his trail should have been, but Mister Katsuki placed a bomb in the police station and distracted the policemen with it. They are both very dangerous people, so the policemen asks for any help and tips to there whereabouts.", the news are still talking about us, even after a few days after my escape, guess I'm important. After my escape we had to change our identities and we moved to Canada. We are still murdering people together, but not that often anymore, because we don't want to attract unnecessary attention. "Hey my angel, want to go out for eating?", I ask Yuuri. "Yeah, why not my love" I'm very nervous about tonight. "Victor, is something wrong?" "No no, just thinking about something." "Please tell me later after dinner, promise?" "Yeah, I promise" After 10 minutes, we arrive at the restaurant. It's a very good restaurant, because I only want to offer the best for my angel. "Reservation for Petrow, two people" "Please follow me", the women says. I help Yuuri sitting in his chair before sitting down myself. "My name is Justice Allen and I will be your waitress for tonight. Do you know what you want to drink?" "Red wine for both us, please" Red, because Red wine almost looks like blood. "I will come back quickly" After a short time, our wine is served. Oh my, am I nervous. Ok, let's do this. "Yuuri, we both are destined to be and your presence in my life gave it a meaning again. The sun can't compete with your smile. The stars can't compete with your eyes. You are the most beautiful person to me and I want to ask you, if you want to spend your rest of the life with me?" I am on my knee now, holding the ring towards Yuuri. Everyone is silent. "Oh my God, yes Victor, defintily yes" I put the ring on his hand and we both start crying. Yuuri and I will be forever, because no one will seperate us again.

Author's note:

This is the happy ending, hope you like it^^ In the future, I will definitly write more Victuuri fanfiction, so please make sure to follow me :)

Thank you for reading this story and I hope you liked it!

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