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A thrill ran through his body. He had finally met his soulmate, the one who would be with him forever, chosen especially for him. Every brush of their arms reminded him that she was his other half. The one whom he would run with. The one that he would shift with. The one that would be his Luna.

However, as they walked to his office, she bit her lip nervously and tried to form the words that didn't want to escape her. 

The two walked inside the well-furnished mahogany room. It was a cozy room, containing a polished desk along with green upholstered chairs on both sides. Bookshelves lined the walls, each leather-bound book filled with pack history and records. 

Aedan gestured for the girl to sit as he lowered himself onto the chair behind the desk. He watched her attentively. She's beautiful... A smile played at the edge of his lips.

The girl took a moment to compose herself, however her eyebrows stayed knitted together in uneasiness. She exhaled a shaky breath and then started talking.

"My name is Clarissa Orus. Alpha Aedan, I am your mate, but I cannot fill the role that you and your pack expect me to fill. I can be by your side and raise this pack, but I will forever be discontent because my heart belongs to one person, one wonderful girl." She knotted her fingers and willed herself to go on. 

"I will love her fiercely throughout my life and never stop. I cannot give my heart to you or accept your love because she is my forever. We wanted to marry, but you found me." She stared down at her fingers, not daring to look up. 

She remembered that fateful day when she realized that that chances of finding her mate in such a large pack were slim. She decided that she couldn't wait forever for her mate. She struck up a conversation with the loud, outgoing girl next door. Five years later, and they would be married. 

If all went well at this time, of course.

Aedan was overwhelmed. The smile on his face completely faded by the time she was done speaking. His eyebrows drew together and he stared at her, not fully comprehending her words.

"Surely you're joking?" He asked her, his voice not above a whisper. She shook her head, finally looking up at him. He looked completely miserable, his green eyes looking almost broken. Dark circles under his eyes complemented the melancholy mood, while his lips were pursed in resignation. 

He had waited for so long, so patiently to find his mate. He had dreams about how he would treat her, gifts he would buy for her, happiness that he could bring to her and now they were broken. Gone, in an instant, when she had proclaimed her feelings for this girl. What was the point in having a mate if he couldn't bring her any happiness, if he couldn't dedicate his life to her? If he couldn't receive her love? She would stand with him like a puppet, one who he would force to love him. One whom he would force into a life of misery. What kind of horrible person would do that?

He sighed, laying his head in his hands. He would have to make the hardest decision of his life, a decision that would affect him forever. 

He lay his hands down on the desk and lifted his head to face her. He offered a weak smile as he spoke to her in a clear voice. 

"Clarissa Orus. Though this decision is a harsh one, I must inform you that you have no obligation to be my Luna. Thank you for coming to me and telling me the truth instead of running away. As you have already given your statement that you do not want to be my mate, you must formally reject me. After, I want you to marry this girl." He gave a sigh. 

"Thank you very much. We will move to the Village so that you need not see us again. I am truly sorry, however I must do this."  

 The Village was an area of the pack reserved for the elderly and couples, some with children. A child would move to the City when they became of age, eighteen years old. They would train in a certain field, for a certain occupation, until they were 22 and then graduate, starting to practice their profession. Aedan rarely visited the Village, therefore making it a perfect place for the newlywed couple to stay.

"I, Clarissa Arlon Orus, reject you, Aedan Santos, as my mate." She closed her eyes and uttered the fateful words without any hesitation. 

"I, Aedan James Santos, accept your rejection." No sooner than when they had both expressed their rejections, a torturous pain burst in their torsos. Clarissa let out a deafening scream as she doubled over, not able to handle the way her soul was being ripped in two. 

Guards and soldiers alike scrambled into the office, alarmed by the disturbing scream. They found their alpha clutching the desk like it was his lifeline, eyes glazed over in misery. A girl was kneeling on the floor, doubled over in agony.

"Alpha, what is wrong? What is happening? Are you alright?" The commander of the guard spoke in a low tone. Aedan lifted his head with great difficulty. 

"Out. Now." He emphasized the words, and most of the guards marched out. 

One, however, stayed in the office, gaping at the girl on the floor.

"Clara?" The woman scrambled over, dropping her weapons and kneeling on Clarissa's side. She held the distressed girl with worry etched on her face. "Clara, my love, what's wrong? Clara!" Tears coursed down Clarissa's face as she took shallow breaths. 

After ten minutes, the pain moderately subsided, and Clarissa was able to gasp a few words. 

"Maya...rejected...him...hurting..." Maya shook her head desperately.

"Clara, I told you that we would go together, why didn't you listen? Let's go home now, dear." She pressed her lips to Clarissa's forehead. She looked at Aedan in anxiety, hoping that he would let them leave.

"Go now." His voice was raspy, and Maya hesitated for a moment. Aedan nodded at Maya through his torment. Maya lifted Clarissa up into her arms, and dashing out, slammed the door behind her. 

He knew that this was the last day he would ever see his mate. 

He closed his eyes as the pain subsided into a dull ringing in his ears.

How did you like the first chapter? Poor Aedan lost his mate... Make sure to vote and comment if you liked the story!


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