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<><><><> One Year Later <><><><>

"Alex, fetch me Kaira's reports and her blueprints on the irrigation of the farm. The area flooded after the heavy rain on Sunday." Isobel barely looked up as the beta handed the materials to her and settled them onto the cluttered desk. She took a long sip of green tea, reveling in the warm feeling that made her toes curl. 

"Alpha Moran would like to meet with you today to discuss a temporary alliance." She looked up at Alex, distaste clearly present on her face. 

"Why? Why does he want to meet with me after telling me, let me remind you that he said this just a month ago, that I'm 'not capable of running a pack'? He's such an asshole." Her face soured, her nostrils flaring while she repeated his infuriating words.

"I'm not sure, however he seems to be bent upon meeting you." At that moment, heavy knocking sounded on her office door. "That would be him." Isobel hurried to organize the paperwork sitting on her desk from yesterday. Alex held back a smile at her desire to try to look presentable in two minutes.

"Bring him in." She had stacked files behind her desk and made the tower of papers look less messy and scattered. Not too bad a job for a few minutes. Alex opened the door and the large frame of the fellow alpha lumbered inside. Isobel saw no need to rise from her chair, only greeting him with a curt nod. 

"Moran." She pursed her lips in irritation.

"Cairnes." His face betrayed none of his emotion.

"Let us quickly get to business. Why are you here, asking for the help of an alpha that you think is incapable of running her pack?" Isobel quoted his own words, a small smirk crossing her face before being wiped away into an emotionless slate. Moran seemed taken aback at her bluntness, composing himself quickly before answering.

"I was negotiating with Mason Beckett to stop him from attacking my pack. He was trying to keep me occupied to carry out his real plan. I shouldn't have trusted him to actually have a civilized conversation. I shouldn't have let-" Isobel yawned openly.

"I don't have much time, Moran. Come to your point or I will have you escorted from my pack." She fixed him with a hard stare.

"He abducted my mate." His face seemed to grow paler, revealing a jagged scar near his eyebrow. It had faded over the years, and anyone who didn't know him would have thought that it was just a worry line. Isobel, however, knew the real story. He had declared war on Mason Beckett and had surrendered not long after receiving this scar. 

Moran had most probably done something to provoke Mason. There was always more to the story when Moran was involved.

"What did you do?" She mused this thought aloud, prompting a scowl on Moran's face.

"That does not concern you. Will you lend me troops from your pack or not? Because there may be consequences if not." He leaned towards her, his warm breath too close for her comfort.

"You think that you can come and threaten me, in my pack?  Demand me to go against Alpha Beckett? Get out of my pack before I drag you out on your ass with everyone watching." Isobel fumed. Alex tried to hide a grin, miserably failing, before opening the door and gesturing outside the office.

Moran stormed out before calling behind him, "This isn't over Cairnes. Remember that."

"I'm shivering, Moran, really." Isobel answered. 

As Alex closed the door behind him, Isobel watched the door with an enraged look on her face.

"Alex, arrange a meeting with Alpha Beckett as soon as possible."

Mason was unpredictable, yet Isobel was one of his good friends. They had grown up together, both being misfits in the pack communities. After Mason had left his pack, he took over a rogue pack near the Arslon forest.

They had still remained friends through the ups and downs is their lives, and it was him whom she had visited before coming back to confront Blake. He had encouraged her to take charge, knowing that his childhood friend was being battered into submission.

"He is able to meet with you tomorrow for lunch."

"Thank you, Alex. You may leave."

Moran must not be aided by anyone...She thought, remembering favors owed to her by other alphas. Her longstanding hatred of Moran was seeded in her by her father, who was betrayed by one of his own pack members because of Moran. It had cost her father his life, and little did Moran know that Isobel would soon avenge Silas Cairnes.  

What did you guys think of the third chapter? Make sure to vote & comment if you liked the story!! 

Ardellana ➳ 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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