dance moms sucks ass ok

55 7 4

and here's me reacting enjoy

of fucking course it's classes yes abby ignore the fact your going to jail.

i still love the fact that when they say fierce comp they all do the same motion i'm lIVING

aww poor baby brynn and the court shit abby obviously sees they are uncomfortable but does she care?


kalani looks pissed off and i relate

my bby brynn looks vv sad and i hate it

okok but abby gets pisssed when ppl talk about her court shit but make the rumfallos court shit a dance even though it seems like they didn't want it to but ok

ok commercial break time to edit

it's gonna be to malibu and i'm so eXCITED YEAH

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it's gonna be to malibu and i'm so eXCITED YEAH

i love the two liannas they are so pure

i did lilli was so adorable in the sis vid i lost my shit

bihh i knew they were crazy from the beginning

i feel brynn is me on a daily basis. like my mom could say hi and i would be like i'm fine 🙂 oops

break time!!

for some reason it wasn't downloading but we gucci now

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for some reason it wasn't downloading but we gucci now

ok but abby is like

mom: are those cookies?
abby: *laughes insanely*
abby: i got run

wait the hell just happened abby is going insane

aye break time

ok now i need an overlay yeet

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ok now i need an overlay yeet

abby always has meltdowns wdym

yolanda a shady bihh

okok not dm related but i've fallen in love with a song and now the song is everywhere i go and iM SO PUMPED EVERYTIME I HEAR IT

ok so i didn't pay attention when abby explained the brynn+kendall duet so is it about gay lovers bc that's what it seemed like tbh.


how did i get here?¿

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how did i get here?¿

how did i get here?¿

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get me out

oh it's back yeet

idk if it's lilli or elli that early but that was back bc of yolanda

aww lilli and nia are so pure i cANT




aww they were second

wait wut
they lost
well ok

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