goodbye teen wolf

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goodbye teen wolf.

I didn't start teen wolf from the beginning, but my parents did. i remember going to the living room and sometimes watching it with them, but i never really watched it by myself. six or seven year old me loved scallison ( still do oops. ) when season 5 was like 6 episodes in i started watching it from the beginning. i stopped but i had other things but i later caught up. teen wolf was always something i enjoyed watching and talking about. not a lot of my friends watched it but i still annoyed them by talking about it. it was something i could look forward to when my ' friends ' ignored me or talked shit about me. i love all the characters and i always will. allison, lydia, liam, malia, and scott will always have a special place in my heart and so will crystal, holland, dylan ( both ), shelley, arden, daniel, and tyler ( both). i may not like jeff, but he created an amazing show and helped bring people together for something. i've met amazing people through teen wolf and i'm forever grateful. goodbye teen wolf.

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