i'm trying

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Hey. I'm Kai. If you don't know me, you wouldn't know that I hate myself with a burning passion.

I'm suicidal.
I'm a coward.
I'm worthless.
I'm ugly.
I'm a dumbass.

I want to turn these things around.
I want to have enough confidence to look at myself in the mirror and go
"damn kai, you look good."

Alas, I don't.

So here I begin to venture out into the open territory. The Unknown. Where I will learn to love myself.

I have no doubt that this journey will be perilous, and I will face many hardships.

I'd like to start.

Maybe this will help you.


List all the things you like about yourself.
It could be everything, or it could be the smallest thing, like your earring choice.

Anything remotely likeable.

I like my singing.
I'm smart-ish.
I'm kinda tall.
People seem to like me. (They could be lying.)

Everything doesn't have to be completely positive.

Why drown, when you could learn to fly?

~ Kai, a simple human, aiming to love themself

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