Ermine the icewing(kinda)

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-Qibli- Shadowfinder7785

t of seen my chapter on him in my art book! And here is the more detailed version!
Name: ermine

Age: 20

Likes: combustion the skywing, fire, his bff lemming. And dragonets.

Dislikes: icewings, blood, wounds, pain, frost breath, the cold.

Backstory: he was the lowest 7 circle icewing in the kingdom, and he was ok with it, but he still didn't like it. So one day he went out and tried to get him into a higher ranking. But he didn't succeed. Instead, the queen sentenced him to death even though he didn't do anything. So the queen gathered icewings together to freeze him his ice, they did. But after ermine had met combustion she had gave him an animus touched bracelet, it connected them so that when ether of them felt pain, the other felt half of the pain the other was in.
That meant when ermine was being frozen combustion had collapsed when she felt his coldness. But of course it couldn't hurt her, it was just in her head. But she rushed over to him just in time, he was about to die when she came over and blew her hottest fire and melted his ice. But she saved him.... But not all of him. His horns and spines close and snapped off, hi neck was badly wounded and he couldn't talk. All around his eye was permanently numb and his eye was frozen so it was totally white. Also, he was def because his ears had frozen and fell off. Also, he had a bad case of frostbite is many parts of his body. Also his tale had the worse of frostbite. But then combustion brand pore ermine to his best nerd friend who saved his life. He made things that would help snuff the pain he was always in. Here is a list of the things he made.

: an electronic chip that connected to his brane and the outside world, enabling him to hear

: a medal thing that went in his neck, enabling him to speak ( though his voice is robotic) and on his neck is a sound meter.

: many bandages on his frost bite

: and lastly, an electronic heart, because his original heart had been nearly frozen, this divice pulses electricity threw his heart, warming it up.

Things lemming couldn't fix:

His eye sight, he tried hard but he couldn't do it. So instead he raped a bandage around ermines eye, covering the horrid scar

His lost horns, he couldn't replace the horns ermine had lost

His tail, after it had the worst case of frost bide lemming had seen. He was forced to Kurt it off with a iron knife, now it has a thick bandage around the nub.

Ermine is all white with an underbelly of light blue.



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