Shot For My Love

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I glance towards the treeline, bored out of my mind, soccer really isn't my thing. Good thing I did though as I saw a man sitting less than 200 metres away, gun in hand, aiming for the one person who I would never allow to die, Lorenzo Benitez.

I run towards him, uncaring of the game we were currently playing. I cover him with my body hoping it would be enough to save him. He looks at me weirdly, a smirk curling the edge of his mouth. Not soon after my arms wrap around him, I feel a bullet sink into my side, good thing the shooter didn't aim for Lorenzo's head, else he'd be dead.

I fall to the ground with a gasp, my hand pressing to the blood escaping the bullet hole. I look up into Lorenzo's face whispering, "I got shot for you because you have a future, play soccer for as long as you can, make it your job and if you can't, make something of yourself, be enough for both of us." At the time I didn't realise how selfish my words were and how much pressure that could put on him, I just spoke. As the world grew blurry I muttered, "tell him I love him." Lorenzo's tan face was the last thing I see before I pass out.


I come to, disorientated by the white sterile walls surrounding me until the events of yesterday come rushing back. Oh my god, that wasn't a dream, it really happened, I was really shot.

I try to lift myself but am too weak to do so. I look across the room and see Lorenzo sitting in the bed across from mine, his mum resting against the side of the bed. Why was he here? I covered him, unless... Actually, I have no idea.

My eyes roam his face. Following the strong line of his jaw, messy brown - near black hair and eyelashes that would make any girl jealous. When suddenly the deep pool of his eyes meet mine and I feel my heart skip a beat.

"Lorenzo, why are you here?"


A/N: Just a quick little story because we haven't updated in a while. Hope you enjoyed it :)

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