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A/N: Don't ask me where Willie is during this, because I have no idea either. Also, it has been a few years so get used to Carolyn's on and off situation with her attitude. 

Quentin was sitting next to a window whilst Barnabas was slouched against a wall, having Elizabeth and Vicki to sit on the couch while Carolyn and David sat on the chairs that were located randomly around the room.

While Angel was copped up in the corner with Sarah and Brooke by her side.

Everyone was stuck into their conversations until an unexpected boisterous sound interrupted, shattering the window from Carolyn's room.

Angelique had somersaulted into Carolyn's room from the ground outside, while Carolyn's room was 4 floors up and Angelique ushered herself up to Barnabas, wrapping her hand around his neck and shoving him high against the wall. "What are you doing here" Angelique hissed, only audible for Barnabas' hearing, despite the other vampire and a werewolf that was in the room.

Most of them in the room were startled by the random presence and instantly stood up to their feet. "Angelique?" Elizabeth asked in a rough voice as she made out the silhouette of the women standing before her. "Don't be silly, Angelique is dead" David answered with a sad tone dripping from the end of his statement. "You sound great David" Angelique said with a bit of sass in her voice as she was still eyeing Barnabas and David was shocked that the voice of the women indeed belonged to Angelique.

"You're supposed to be dead!" David exclaimed. "Well, sorry to disappoint" Angelique said, she still had no idea why she was talking to David for they never really liked each other in the first place, especially after Angelique killed his mother.

Quentin and Carolyn on the other hand were pretty used to the fact that Angelique would have to make some dramatic entrances sometimes, this was probably around the 5th time Angelique ever somersaulted into Carolyn's room through a window.

By now, Angelique and Barnabas were looking eye to eye.

Ignoring what was happening to him, Barnabas was searching Angelique's appearance.

She had that brown, wavy hair with a pinch of red lip stick and black eye shadow which complimented her blue eyes while her skin was still that porcelain type of shade.

But the most that stood out to him was her hair. Her brown hair made her look less violent and reminded him of how he actually got to know Angelique when they were kids, when her hair was brown and she was terribly innocent. In a way, he missed that Angelique but deep down inside, he knows that part of Angelique had been stripped away, locked away forever and he knows that he was the one to crush that side of her, to ruin it, destroy it even.

Carolyn threatened to stand forward and comfort Angelique to calm her down but Elizabeth didn't let go so easily. "Carolyn, stay away from Angelique" Elizabeth warned and Carolyn fought so hard not to role her eyes. "Why?" Carolyn asked. "Why? Why?! Well maybe because she cursed you into a werewolf! And you want to go near her? What is wrong with you?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, trying to keep her anger at a limit but it wasn't working out so well. "Well mom, not all curses are bad" Carolyn stated, obviously leaving her mother confused. "What do you mean?" Elizabeth asked as her anger calmed down.

"Well if Angelique hadn't cursed me then I wouldn't have met Quentin, for starters but after I figured she was here, she reversed the curse which brought us closer, all of us 3 actually." Carolyn said with a smile tugging at her lips and turned to see if Angelique had been listening but slightly lost hope as she was still facing Barnabas with full concentration and strangling him.

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